Life expectancy is growing, thus, European citizens aged 60 or above can be regarded as an “active generation”, which can be seen in the fields of studying and training, health, as well as late career development. The above mentioned age group is not homogenous at European level; in some regions language barriers (e.g. the lack of English language knowledge) or other obstacles prevent them from reaching and effectively using the opportunities offered by the Higher Education Institutions.

The Erasmus+ 60 cooperation partnership project aims to help people aged 60 or above reach Higher Education opportunities, either through international studies or mobility, thus raising inclusion and greater cohesion in Europe. The project puts emphasis on involving this generation into the Erasmus+ programme, as well.

The project, which has started in January 2022, is taking stock on a large scale of existing Higher Education offers for citizens aged 60 or above during the next three years. Besides, the project is developing pilot courses contributing to the aim of building inclusive Higher Education systems, which provide offers to the above mentioned age group. Meanwhile, the Erasmus+ 60 project is supporting the implementation of interconnected higher education systems in Europe  by developing a pilot platform for shared courses and intercultural learning activities for people aged 60 or above. Based on the project results, the partners are developing policy recommendations in order to highlight the need to open new and more systematic educational perspectives for senior citizens of the EHEA.

ELTE primarily explores and analyses the antecedents of intergenerational learning in domestic and international higher education to help with professional recommendations the successful implementation of teaching activities in Higher Education that are built on the cooperation of different generations. Moreover, ELTE has a leading role in elaborating and implementing a pilot intergenerational programme, in which the Community coordination BA students of the faculty involve representatives from the older generation in joint learning activities along different topics.

Colleagues from the Institute of Research on Adult Education and Knowledge Management work on the project implementation: Helga Dorner, Barnabás Gulyás, Luca ErdeiZsuzsa Kovács, Emese Schiller.

Throughout the international cooperation colleagues build on the many years of experience gained during the successful programme of the ELTE University of the Third Age in supporting the learning of the elderly.


University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France) – project coordinator

University of Split (Croatia)

University of Porto (Portugal)

University of Latvia (Latvia)

Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)

Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic)

University of Zurich (Switzerland)

European University Foundation (Luxembourg)



Erasmus+ 60 project website (official – in English)

Facebook page of the project (in English)

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