Research Facts
Research Facts and Subjects

ELTE not only offers first-class education to the international community, but it is also a place where excellent research is undertaken. Research at ELTE comprises international collaborations, interdisciplinary approaches, modern laboratory infrastructure, and innovation. Our researchers run cutting-edge projects funded by the European Union and national institutions. Along with international partners, our research groups also establish strong connections with the industry.
- Broad range of research fields: natural sciences, mathematics and informatics, humanities, social sciences, psychology, and educational sciences
- Wide variety of doctoral programmes: 16 doctoral schools with 126 doctoral programmes
- Highly qualified teaching staff:
- 75% of the faculty has a higher academic degree
- Wolf Prize winner in the faculty
- Kyoto Prize winner in the faculty
- Large research output:
- Approximately 7,000 publications in Web of Science database over the last five years
- Half of them published in Q1 journals
- High research impact: The category normalized citation impact of these publications is as high as 1.5
- Extensive research collaboration: 60% of publications have at least one international co-author
- Large number of research groups:
- 30 research groups in collaboration with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)
- 14 Momentum (‘Lendület’) research groups
- Adaptation Research Group
- Combinatorial Geometry Research Group
- Evolutionary Genomics
- Group Behavior Research Group
- Historical Folkloristics Research Group
- Hot Universe Research Group
- Laboratory Astrochemistry Research Group
- Lingual Articulation Research Group
- Neuroethology of Communication Research Group
- New Vision Research Group
- Particle and Nuclear Physics Research Group
- Research Group of Liturgical History
- Social Minds Research Group
- SPECTRA – Social Prerequisites for the Effective Fight Against Bias-Motivated Crimes Through Criminal Law and Minority Rights Protection
- 5 ERC research groups
- EVOLOR Cognitive Ageing in Dogs
- GALNUC Astrophysical Dynamics and Statistical Physics of Galactic Nuclei
- GENECLOCKS Reconstructing a Dated Tree of Life Using Phylogenetic Incongruence
- HistoGenes Integrating genetic, archaeological and historical perspectives on Eastern Central Europe, 400-900 AD
- POLYQUANT Theoretical Developments for Precision Spectroscopy of Polyatomic and Polyelectronic Molecules
- 16 Horizon research groups
- REACH RE-designing Access to Cultural Heritage for a wider participation in preservation, (re-)use and management of European culture
- UNCHARTED Understanding, Capturing and Fostering the Societal Value of Culture
- Screening of inFlammation to enable personalized Medicine FETOPEN
- HumanE Al Net
- Infrastructure for transnational access and discovery in structural biology
- MAGICBULLET:reloaded- Small-Molecule Drug Conjugates for Targeted Delivery in Tumor Therapy
- Inflanet
- SWATNET - Space Weather Awareness Training Network
- Driving functional characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins
- CountR
- Intermarriage and ethnic identity
- Quantum dynamics of floppy systems beyond Coulomb interactions: magnetic and parity-violating effects QDMAP
- Intrinsically disordered proteins in health and disease: mechanisms, molecular context and opportunities for drug discovery
Although researchers at ELTE conduct research in almost all scientific disciplines, some areas exceed others in terms of their academic performance and are internationally recognised by university subject rankings.
Above all, these include the following (click on the links to learn more about the most important disciplines at ELTE according to subject rankings):
Arts & Humanities (QS 2020: 371., THE 2020: 301-400)
Archaeology (QS 2022: 151-200)
Linguistics (QS 2022: 101-150)
Philosophy (QS 2020: 101-251)
Life Sciences (THE 2020: 301-400)
Biological Sciences (QS 2022: 451-500, ARWU 2022: 301–400)
Physical sciences (QS 2020: 318, THE 2020: 401-500)
Mathematics (ARWU 2022: 201–300, QS 2022: 251-300)
Physics (ARWU 2022: 101–150, QS 2022: 251-300)
Psychology (ARWU 2022: 201-300, QS 2022: 201-250, THE 2020: 251-300)
Computer Science and Information Systems (QS 2022: 451-500)
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education
Faculty of Education and Psychology
Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education
Institute of Business Economics
Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher-Training Centre
Doctoral School of Earth Sciences
Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences
Doctoral School of Informatics
Doctoral School of Linguistics
Doctoral School of Literary Studies
Doctoral School of Mathematics
Doctoral School of Political Science
Doctoral School of Sociology, Postgraduate Programme of Sociology