Our local representatives
Our local representatives
ELTE currently enrols around more than 4,500 students from over 100 countries and is looking to further grow international student enrolments for the international degree programs at ELTE at all levels.
We would be happy to send you further information about our degree programs and how to become our representative.
If you would like to express interest in being considered to become an authorized representative of ELTE, please fill out this Application form for local representatives.
To get familiar with the process, please read our step-by-step guide for representatives.
For more information contact:
András BUDAI
E: andras.budai@rk.elte.hu
T: 00361 411 6500/2249 (ext.)
Official student recruitment partners:
Algeria |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs |
Armenia |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education |
Australia |
Australasia EduConnect Group |
Mizanur Rahman mizanur@australasiaeduconnect.com.au |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities (except for preparatory programs) Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Azerbaijan |
CELT Colleges |
Elgun Karimov karimov.e@celt.az |
All degree programs |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Hun Education |
Mr. Ejder Yücel ejder@huneducation.com |
All degree programs | |
Anar Gurbanzade anar@star.edu.az |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
The Khudafereen |
Elmir Guliyev elmirturkel@thekhudafereen.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Mustafa Ay mustafa.ay@puzaacademy.com.tr |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Belarus |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Bahrain |
Eduscope International FZ LLC |
Ms. Jolly Soosan Abraham Thomas jolly@eduscope.me; admission@eduscope.me |
All degree programs |
Thirdwave Overseas Education |
Kavitha Krishnan international@thirdwave.org.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs | |
Bangladesh |
Qaiser Naveed isbcollege.international@gmail.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Science |
LEAP GeeBee EDTECH Private Limited
Upesh Savla upesh@geebeeworld.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Iban Jamal Ahmed ijastudy@gmail.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
DRAMEX Kereskedelmi és Tanácsadó Kft. |
Lőrincz Szilvia info@studiesinhungary.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Australasia EduConnect Group |
Mizanur Rahman mizanur@australasiaeduconnect.com.au |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities (except for preparatory programs) Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Shekh Salahuddin shekh.slahuddin@rsdgroup.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Burundi |
Aimée Clarisse MUKARUKUNDO aimeeclaris@yahoo.fr |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Canada |
Ronan Group Kft. |
dr. Sherini Abeysuriya admin@ronanair.com |
All degree programs |
Cyprus |
Hun Education |
Mr. Ejder Yücel ejder@huneducation.com |
All degree programs |
Studynet Academic Consultants |
Odysseas Demosthenous odysseas@study-net.eu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
ECSS Everyday Counseling Student Services Ltd. |
Maria Hadjiyiakoumi maria@everyday-university.com |
All degree programs | |
China |
European & Asian Development Centre KFT EAUDC | lin@eaudc.com.cn 0036 30 2007888 0036 30 9001658 |
All degree programs |
Euroya Spolka |
Weida Pan (Kevin) pankevin06@gmail.com/euroya.office@gmail.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities (except for the English Foundation Program) Faculty of Economics Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Shenyang EU-SINO Education Information Consulting Co., Ltd |
Kelly Zhang |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities (except for preparatory programs) Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Beijing Global Education Consulting Co., Ltd |
Liu Yimei hiworld1997@163.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities (except for the English Foundation Program) Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Australasia EduConnect Group |
Mizanur Rahman mizanur@australasiaeduconnect.com.au |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities (except for preparatory programs) Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Egypt |
IdmeGroup |
Prof. Dr Ashraf Elsayyed Mohamed ashrafelsayedm@gmail.com |
All degree programs |
Zein Education Group Kft (Study Gate group) |
Zein Fadi fadi.zein@studygategroup.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs | |
Estonia |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Ethiopia |
Qaiser Naveed isbcollege.international@gmail.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Science |
Georgia |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Davit Mikeladze mikeladze@primestudy.ge |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Ghana |
CEENIC LIMITED (Hungarian Education Agency) |
Priscilla Korley admin@hungarianeducationagency.com |
All degree programs |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs | |
Greece |
ECSS Everyday Counseling Student Services Ltd. |
Maria Hadjiyiakoumi maria@everyday-university.com |
All degree programs |
Hungary |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
India |
Europe Study Centre Pvt. Ltd. |
Abdul Razak director@europestudycentre.com +91-8606-406-663 |
All degree programs |
Eduscope International FZ LLC
Ms. Jolly Soosan Abraham Thomas jolly@eduscope.me; admission@eduscope.me |
All degree programs | |
Qaiser Naveed isbcollege.international@gmail.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Science |
LEAP GeeBee EDTECH Private Limited |
Upesh Savla upesh@geebeeworld.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Mackwins Education BDM |
Aadil Saiyad bdm@mackwinseducation.com +91 - 886607 172 2 |
All degree programs | |
Thirdwave Overseas Education |
Kavitha Krishnan international@thirdwave.org.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
DRAMEX Kereskedelmi és Tanácsadó Kft. |
Lőrincz Szilvia info@studiesinhungary.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Australasia EduConnect Group |
Mizanur Rahman mizanur@australasiaeduconnect.com.au |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities (except for preparatory programs) Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Indo European Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. |
Harpreet Kaur university@indoeuropean.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Shekh Salahuddin shekh.slahuddin@rsdgroup.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Israel |
Study Abroad Admission LTD. (UIS) |
Roni Fried roni@uis.co.il |
Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Iran |
Avaye Danesh Institute |
Zahra Vasse |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities (except preparatory programs) Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
BROrganization/Studentguide.hu |
Payam Abed Salimi |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education |
Thirdwave Overseas Education |
Kavitha Krishnan international@thirdwave.org.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
International Education Consultancy Services (ECS) |
Leila Naeimipour info@tahsildarmajarestan.ir |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Iraq |
Thirdwave Overseas Education |
Kavitha Krishnan international@thirdwave.org.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs | |
Ivory Coast |
CEENIC LIMITED (Hungarian Education Agency) |
Priscilla Korley admin@hungarianeducationagency.com |
All degree programs |
Japan |
NamiLink Kft |
Valkó Bettina bettina@edunami.jp |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Jordan |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs |
Kazakhstan |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Hun Education |
Mr. Ejder Yücel ejder@huneducation.com |
All degree programs | |
DRAMEX Kereskedelmi és Tanácsadó Kft. |
Lőrincz Szilvia info@studiesinhungary.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Mustafa Ay mustafa.ay@puzaacademy.com.tr |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Kyrgyzstan |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Hun Education |
Mr. Ejder Yücel ejder@huneducation.com |
All degree programs | |
Westinvest Hungary Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság |
Dr. Endre Erdős office@westinvest.org |
All degree programs | |
DRAMEX Kereskedelmi és Tanácsadó Kft. |
Lőrincz Szilvia info@studiesinhungary.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Kuwait |
Eduscope International FZ LLC |
Ms. Jolly Soosan Abraham Thomas jolly@eduscope.me; admission@eduscope.me |
All degree programs |
BROrganization/Studentguide.hu |
Payam Abed Salimi payam@studentguide.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education |
Thirdwave Overseas Education |
Kavitha Krishnan international@thirdwave.org.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Zein Education Group Kft (Study Gate group) |
Zein Fadi fadi.zein@studygategroup.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs | |
Kenya |
CEENIC LIMITED (Hungarian Education Agency) |
Priscilla Korley admin@hungarianeducationagency.com |
All degree programs |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs | |
Aimée Clarisse MUKARUKUNDO aimeeclaris@yahoo.fr |
Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Latvia |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Lebanon |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs |
Libya |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs |
Lithuania |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Malaysia |
Australasia EduConnect Group |
Mizanur Rahman mizanur@australasiaeduconnect.com.au |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities (except for preparatory programs) Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Maldives |
Ronan Group Kft. |
dr. Sherini Abeysuriya admin@ronanair.com |
All degree programs |
Moldova |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Morocco |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs |
Nigeria |
Qaiser Naveed isbcollege.international@gmail.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Science |
CEENIC LIMITED (Hungarian Education Agency) |
Priscilla Korley admin@hungarianeducationagency.com |
All degree programs | |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs | |
Freelance Travel and Tours Limited |
Rebecca Oluwole agents@freelancetravelandtours.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Nepal |
Qaiser Naveed isbcollege.international@gmail.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Science |
LEAP GeeBee EDTECH Private Limited |
Upesh Savla upesh@geebeeworld.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Australasia EduConnect Group |
Mizanur Rahman mizanur@australasiaeduconnect.com.au |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities (except for preparatory programs) Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Indo European Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. |
Harpreet Kaur university@indoeuropean.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Oman |
Eduscope International FZ LLC |
Ms. Jolly Soosan Abraham Thomas jolly@eduscope.me; admission@eduscope.me |
All degree programs |
Thirdwave Overseas Education |
Kavitha Krishnan international@thirdwave.org.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Zein Education Group Kft (Study Gate group) |
Zein Fadi fadi.zein@studygategroup.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs | |
Pakistan |
AK Consultants Pvt Ltd |
Asghar Aftab Khan asghar@akconsultants.org |
All degree programs |
Arsa Study Consultants Pvt. Ltd. |
Asif Raza asifraza81@gmail.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education |
Qaiser Naveed isbcollege.international@gmail.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Science |
World Consultants Pvt. Ltd |
Tamoor Aziz world@worldconsultants.org |
All degree programs | |
Shekh Salahuddin shekh.slahuddin@rsdgroup.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Philippines |
LEAP GeeBee EDTECH Private Limited |
Upesh Savla upesh@geebeeworld.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Edulife Global Kft |
Stella Marie Andresio stella@edulife.com.tr |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Poland |
Euroya Spolka |
Pan Kevin pankevin6@gmail.com |
All degree programs |
Qatar |
Eduscope International FZ LLC |
Ms. Jolly Soosan Abraham Thomas jolly@eduscope.me; admission@eduscope.me |
All degree programs |
Thirdwave Overseas Education |
Kavitha Krishnan international@thirdwave.org.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Zein Education Group Kft (Study Gate group) |
Zein Fadi fadi.zein@studygategroup.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs | |
Russia |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Westinvest Hungary Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság |
Dr. Endre Erdős office@westinvest.org |
All degree programs | |
Mustafa Ay mustafa.ay@puzaacademy.com.tr |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Rwanda |
Aimée Clarisse MUKARUKUNDO aimeeclaris@yahoo.fr |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Saudi Arabia |
Eduscope International FZ LLC |
Ms. Jolly Soosan Abraham Thomas jolly@eduscope.me; admission@eduscope.me |
All degree programs |
Thirdwave Overseas Education |
Kavitha Krishnan international@thirdwave.org.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Zein Education Group Kft (Study Gate group) |
Zein Fadi fadi.zein@studygategroup.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs | |
South Africa |
CEENIC LIMITED (Hungarian Education Agency) |
Priscilla Korley admin@hungarianeducationagency.com |
All degree programs |
Sri Lanka |
Eduscope International FZ LLC |
Sharon Caroline Ananda admission@eduscope.me |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Ronan Group Kft. |
dr. Sherini Abeysuriya admin@ronanair.com |
All degree programs | |
Thirdwave Overseas Education |
Kavitha Krishnan international@thirdwave.org.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Indo European Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. |
Harpreet Kaur university@indoeuropean.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Sweden |
STUDIN - Study International |
Jan Norlin info@studin.se |
All degree programs |
Syria |
Zein Education Group Kft (Study Gate group) |
Zein Fadi fadi.zein@studygategroup.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs | |
Tajikistan |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Westinvest Hungary Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság |
Dr. Endre Erdős office@westinvest.org |
All degree programs | |
Tanzania |
Eduplus International |
Lilian Komwihangiro lilian.komwihangiro@eduplus.co.tz |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Aimée Clarisse MUKARUKUNDO aimeeclaris@yahoo.fr |
Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Tunisia |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs |
Türkiye |
Hun Education |
Mr. Ejder Yücel ejder@huneducation.com |
All degree programs |
Intergenc Abroad Education Consultancy |
Efe Sütçü info@intergenc.com; efe@intergenc.com |
All degree programs | |
Edulife Global Kft |
Stella Marie Andresio stella@edulife.com.tr |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Mustafa Ay mustafa.ay@puzaacademy.com.tr |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Yeks Meda Egitim danismanlik Turizm Gida san. Dis Tic. Ltd. |
Yelis Estas yelis@medaegitim.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Turkmenistan |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Eduscope International FZ LLC |
Jubel Jaison Thomas admission@eduscope.me, jubel@eduscope.me |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
LEAP GeeBee EDTECH Private Limited |
Upesh Savla upesh@geebeeworld.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Thirdwave Overseas Education |
Kavitha Krishnan international@thirdwave.org.in |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Zein Education Group Kft (Study Gate group) |
Zein Fadi fadi.zein@studygategroup.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs | |
Uganda |
Aimée Clarisse MUKARUKUNDO aimeeclaris@yahoo.fr |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
UK |
Shekh Salahuddin shekh.slahuddin@rsdgroup.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Ukraine |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Ronan Group Kft. |
dr. Sherini Abeysuriya admin@ronanair.com |
All degree programs |
Shekh Salahuddin shekh.slahuddin@rsdgroup.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Uzbekistan |
Vasileios Chachopoulos vasilis.chachopoulos@pifis.hu |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Science Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Education and Psychology |
Hun Education |
Mr. Ejder Yücel ejder@huneducation.com |
All degree programs | |
Westinvest Hungary Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság |
Dr. Endre Erdős office@westinvest.org |
All degree programs | |
DRAMEX Kereskedelmi és Tanácsadó Kft. |
Lőrincz Szilvia info@studiesinhungary.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Vietnam |
LEAP GeeBee EDTECH Private Limited |
Upesh Savla upesh@geebeeworld.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Law Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Australasia EduConnect Group |
Mizanur Rahman mizanur@australasiaeduconnect.com.au |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities (except for preparatory programs) Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
DC Handel Kft. |
Tuyen Minh Nguyen dchandelkft.tuyenminh@gmail.com |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Economics Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Hoang Minh Thanh minhthanh.hoang@isl.edu.vn |
Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Education Faculty of Education and Psychology Faculty of Economics Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Informatics Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education Faculty of Science |
Yemen |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs |
Zimbabwe |
Studygram - United Cities General Trading and Contracting Co. (UCGTCO) |
Ahmed Rizk arizk@studygram.me |
All degree programs |