ELTE Center for Innovation
The ELTE Center for Innovation is a dynamically developing unit of the university dedicated to innovation, business cooperation and technology transfer.
It acts as a bridge between the university and the world of business, thus facilitating the industrial exploitation of research results and solutions. Another of its main tasks is to improve the university's potential for innovation and to explore synergies through its support services. The ELTE Centre for Innovation explores the business potential of research results (the main fields are STEM, SSH disciplines and informatics) generated at the university, helps researchers and students to exploit and raise funds, and seeks business partners and investors. It also encourages the creation of spin-off companies and knowledge transfer businesses, coordinates the Intellectual Property Rights Board, and liaises with national and international innovation offices and organisations.
Address: 1053 Budapest, Kecskeméti utca 10-12.
Phone: +36 1 411 6500 / ext. 3156
E-mail: innovacio{at}
Dániel MAGYAR, director
Phone: +36 1 411 6500 / ext. 2171
E-mail: igazgato{at}
Katalin BARNA, project manager (National Laboratory for Social Innovation)
E-mail: barna.katalin{at}
Balázs ERDEI, innovation manager
E-mail: erdei.balazs{at}
Hanna HERCZEGFALVY, knowledge-transfer manager
Phone: +36 1 411 6500 / ext. 2225
E-mail: herczegfalvy.hanna{at}
Petra PÁLMAI-NEMES, innovation assistant
Phone: +36 1 411-6500 / ext. 2225
E-mail: nemes.petra{at}
Ákos POZSONYI, innovation manager
Phone: +36 30 143-7512
E-mail: pozsonyi.akos{at}
Andrea RAJKÓ, social innovation manager (National Laboratory for Social Innovation)
E-mail: rajko.andrea{at}
Bence VAGENHOFFER, innovation assistant
E-mail: bence.vagenhoffer{at}