University Library Service
ELTE University Library Service (ULS)
The library network of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) has altogether about 4.3 million documents. The University Library Service (ULS), the ELTE library network was formed in 2009 and consists of faculty, institute, department, and dormitorylibraries. The ULS was awarded the title ’Qualified Library’ in 2018.Its governing body is the Library Council. The collections of the libraries are accessible via the electronic catalogue. The Libraries have their own rules, so their opening hours and services may vary. Information regarding these are available on their own websites.
- Website
The website of the University Library Service (ULS), the network based on the cooperation of libraries working under the umbrella of the University, offers full-scale information about the collections. - Online catalogue –;
The online catalogue covers the collections of the member libraries of ULS, including books, periodicals, special and electronic documents, dissertations – nearly 1.7 million items in all. - ELTE Digital Institutional Repository (EDIT)
Repository and archive of documents published and preserved at the university. - ELTE Library WebApp
A library web application for mobile devices developed by the University Library and Archives and made available to faculty libraries. - Register membership online
- Checking loans
- Available databases
- Remote access
- MTMT administration
- Adapted materials
- ELTE Library Browser
ELTE University Library and Archives
The University Library and Archives of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), honoured with the Hungarian Heritage Award in 2018, is a scholarly institution assisting learning, teaching and research at the Eötvös Loránd University. It is a special library open to the public, and at the same time the centre of the network of libraries belonging to the University, managing the IT background of library services. It is coordinating shared cataloguing and database building, the development of online services, and supports cooperation by counselling, and internal training. The predecessor of the University Library, the library of the Jesuit college of Nagyszombat, was founded in 1561 by Miklós Oláh, archbishop of Esztergom. It has become a university collection in 1635 when Péter Pázmány, the archbishop of Esztergom, founded the University of Nagyszombat. You may find further information on the history of the library here.
The collection
With its nearly 2 million documents the University Library has become the third largest library of the Hungarian capital. Until 1949 its collection interest covered works from all disciplines taught at the university, later it was limited to
- philosophy,
- medieval and early modern world history,
- religion and history of religion.
Since then the library has a nation-wide responsibility for the collection of publications in these fields.
Furthermore the library collects and stores
- theses defended at ELTE,
- documents about the history of the university,
- outstanding pieces of Hungarian and world literature,
- all sorts of reference works, hand-books, dictionaries, scholarly works in Hungarian or in several foreign languages needed for research.
The old book collection of the library is a part of the National Cultural Heritage of Hungary, and is acknowledged all over Europe. The collection includes
- 185 codices (14 of them from the Bibliotheca Corviniana),
- 1,200 incunabula,
- 11,000 volumes from the 16th century
- 15,000 volumes from the baroque times (17th century) and 75,000 from the 18th century
There are several early Hungarian language relics, medieval charters, guilds’ letters of patent, autograph manuscripts of outstanding persons, engravings, and maps in the manuscript and rarity collection.
More information about our collection is available here, further details regarding the collection can be found here. The ELTE University Library and Archives also performs the library tasks of the ELTE Faculty of Economics, paying increased attention to the faculty’s special literature needs.
- Online catalogue
The collection of the University Library, acquired since 1996 is searchable in the online catalogue. - Digitalized card catalogue:
- Author's alphabetical catalogue
Works acquired until 1989- ETO catalogue
Works acquired between 1949–1995
- ETO catalogue
- Subject catalogue
Works acquired between 1949–1995
- Author's alphabetical catalogue
- lLoaning
- Checking loans
- Extending loans
- Interlibrary loaning
- Reservation
- Electronic application form
- Register membership online
- ELTE Library WebApp
- Databases
- Remote access
- INeedABook
- Application for a communication permit
- DOI claim
- Adapted Materials
- EDIT administration
- Local use
- Use of Special collection
- Printing and photocopying
- Scanning, digitalization
- Use of library computers
- Equipment rental for local useELTE Library Browser
- For users with special needs
- NAVA access point
Director general: Dr. Kulcsár Szabó Ernőné Gombos Annamária
Address: H-1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6. Hungary
Phone: (+36 1) 411-6500/3415
Secretariat: (+36 1) 411-6500/3415
Media: Facebook – Instagram – X
Opening hours: Monday–Friday 09:00–20:00; Saturday 10:00–18:00
Borrowing: (+36 1) 411-6500/3411, 3417
Interlibrary lending: (+36 1) 411-6500/3411, 3417
Information service: (+36 1) 411-6500/3411, 3417
Fond list –
The detailed and continuously updated list of fonds and sub-fonds can be searched in the union database of the Association of Hungarian Academic Archives called UnivA
The University Archives has three functions:
- It collects and preserves the historic documents and museal objects of the Eötvös Loránd University as well as the legacy of late professors. Today there are about two thousand shelf running meters of records, including 30 legacies.
- The records are made available for historical research, and serve as bases of certification for private persons and official organizations (certification of studies).
- It conducts research on the history of the university, higher education, and the history of sciences, and publishes its findings in studies, monographs, source publications, and databases. So far approximately 60 volumes in four series have been published by the Archives.
There are many valuable records in the collection of the Archives such as the University’s charter of foundation issued by Péter Pázmány in 1635, or the new deed of foundation by Maria Theresa from 1780 that has determined the organization and operation of the university for a long time; or the more than one hundred charters and codex fragments from before 1526, the battle of Mohács. The Archives also gathers museal objects, and images related to the history of the University.
Research service
It is possible to research the archival material in the research room of the Archives. Anybody may do research in the topic given in the submitted research application form, in which the regulations regarding research are also accepted, if access to the material intended for research is not limited. Information is provided on the methods of research in the Research Regulations in the research rooms, and by archivists serving researchers respectively. More information is available here.
- Peregrination database
- Academic institutions in Hungary (1580–1918)
- Old curricula and schedules (1785–1919)
Director general: Dr. Kulcsár Szabó Ernőné Gombos Annamária
Head of Archives: Krisztina Tóth, PhD
Address: H-1106 Budapest, Maglódi út 8. Hungary
Phone: 313-3296
Opening hours: Tuesday–Wednesday–Thursday 09:00–16:00
Savaria Library and Archives
The library, founded in 1959 is a member of the ELTE library network since 2017. It was awarded the title ‘Library of the Year’ in 2007, and became a ‘Qualified Library’ in 2014. Connected to the Savaria Centre of Regional Pedagogical Services and Research, it is available to the teachers of the region, while as a public library it is also available for the interested population of the town and county, and aids them in the process of lifelong learning.
Catalogue –
Parts of the collection of regional significance are especially important:
- the Austrian Library serves as one of the most important pillars of the teaching of German;
- the Regional Centre and Library for Teachers of English, founded by the British Council;
Special collections, serving research are also important:
- the Gábor Devecseri Library offering the bequest of the great 20th century Hungarian writer, and translator of many Greek and Latin classics, including the works of Homer, for research;
- the László Hadrovics Library in Slavic Philology that belonged to the linguist, and member of the Hungarian Academy.
Training and learning support
- Video service -
- Collection of theses
- Individual and group training
- E-learning support
- Digitization
Director general: Dr. Kulcsár Szabó Ernőné Gombos Annamária
Head of library: Csaba Csuk
Address: H-9700 Szombathely, Károlyi Gáspár tér 4. Hungary
Phone: +36 94 504-393
Opening hours: Monday 10:00 – 16:00, Tuesday – Thursday08:00 – 16:00; Friday 08:00 – 13:00
University Library
University Library
