Services for researchers

Eötvös Loránd University is a member of EURAXESS organization.
“EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion” is a web-portal providing information to European and non-European researchers willing to participate at mobility actions.
EURAXESS Jobs portal offers updated information on job vacancies, funding opportunities and fellowships throughout Europe. Researchers can post their CV online, companies and research institutes can search for CV of foreign researchers.
Through its network in 40 countries EURAXESS Services can assist mobile researchers and their families in every step of their move, starting in their home country and continuing until they have settled in a new one.
Information and customised assistance can be asked on the following topics:
day care and schooling
intellectual property rights
language courses
recognition of qualifications
salaries and taxation
social and cultural aspects
social security, pension rights and healthcare
work permits
To start looking for services please visit the website of EURAXESS Hungary.