Students' Union
Students' Union

Not only the university but also the Students’ Union has a long tradition. The Union’s main duty is to represent Hungarian and international students at ELTE in different issues, such as study, allowance and remedy issues. As an international student, the student organization ESN ELTE will help you to get familiar with the Hungarian language and culture, the faculties, and the student life at ELTE. In principal questions concerning your studies or credits, you can turn to the Student’s Union for help who will give you a helping hand in every situation.
The Students’ Union has a two-tier structure: first the students elect directly the representatives from themselves, then the faculties delegate members from the representatives to the University Students’ Union (EHÖK). The University
Students’ Union coordinates the work of the Faculty Students’ Unions, represents students in the university government and in the National Students’ Union, and organizes the student community life. The Students’ Union is an autonomous organization, which elects the representatives in a democratic way and all in all the heart of the students fellowship.
Sarolta Noémi DUNKA
Vice President for Foreign Affairs, Eötvös Loránd University Students’ Union (EHÖK)
Address: 1056 Budapest, Szerb utca 21-23.
Tel: +36-1-411-6500/8256