CHARM-EU Annual Conference 2024

CHARM-EU Annual Conference

How does culture shape our identities, influence our perspectives, and inform our interactions within an increasingly interconnected world?

The 2024 CHARM-EU Annual Conference will examine the overarching issue of culture with its interpretations and role in deepening transnational and inter-institutional collaboration within and beyond Alliances. Through a series of keynote speech, panel discussions and workshops, the conference will focus on the professional aspects of languages, cultures as well as intercultural learning, uncovering opportunities and challenges for European University Alliances. 
Location: Eötvös Loránd University, Egyetem tér 1-3, 1056 Budapest, Hungary
Date: 5 November 2024
Format: on-site with some sessions streamed online
Conference website:


What pronoun do you want to be referred to by the organisation team and participants?

Do you have any dietary needs of which we should be aware?

Do you have any access & participation needs that you want to share with us so we can help you feel included?

Are you planning to join the evening sessions and snacks?


Please select which workshop would you like to attend. Click on its name and fill out its registration form.

You can find the full programme of the conference with detailed information about the workshops here:

Please register to only one workshop.


I hereby irrevocably declare my agreement that the event will be recorded and pictures may be taken off by the Eötvös Loránd University and the European Universities Alliances in the course of the  event (5th November 2024).  The above mentioned institutions are granted the right to store these pictures for an unlimited time either themselves or throught third parties in modified and unmodified form, individually or together with other pictures, in film, photographic and printed form (particlarly in publications), on data carriers such as USB, DERIVE, DVD and CD, as well as on webpages and social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Intagram and/or LinkedIn, and to copy, publish and distribute them for an unlimited time and use them for public and press relations.   For the use of the videos and pictures as specified above no remuneration is to be paid to me by Eötvös Loránd University and European Universities Alliances.


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