CHARM-EU Annual Conference - Workshop 4

AI era challenges of multilingualism in Europe 


Having 24 official languages, the European Union promotes linguistic diversity and multilingualism and encourages citizens to communicate in two other languages than their mother tongue. However, protecting linguistic diversity and promoting multilingual learning can be challenging without appropriate support and resources. This interactive discussion session will focus on the multilingual aspect of Europe, discovering the roles European Universities can have in supporting language learning and multilingualism through reflecting on several issues: 
  • What exactly do we meany by multilingualism in the European context?  
  • How can European Universities leverage technological innovation and AI for supporting language learning and multilingualism? 
  • What is the role of ‘translation’ in the everyday life of European citizens in the 21st century and how can universities and European University Alliances position themselves in this regard? 
  • How can European Universities support learners in practicing their language skills and learning new languages? 
  • How can we promote/incorporate interculturality and multilingualism in the classroom? 
  • How can we use English as a facilitator for further language learning and intercultural understanding without threatening linguistic diversity?