CHARM-EU Annual Conference - Workshop 1

Developing an intercultural positionality resource for Challenge Based Learning 


In this session, participants will co-create an inter-cultural positionality resource for CHARM-EU challenge based learning activities. Positionality is a reflection and recording of the researchers’ position upon the research being conducted, and what impact it may have on the research. 
Within challenge based learning activities, students and staff are often engaged with stakeholders from different cultures and backgrounds to develop solutions to challenges. A key part of this process is for students to acknowledge their positionality, and consider how their biases and backgrounds may influence the research design, methodology,  and interpretation of their results.  
This is of particular importance to CHARM-EU as students are often working with stakeholders from different cultural backgrounds, working with culturally sensitive data and/or marginalized groups of people, and participating in experiences and discussions that require a deep understanding and reflection on different perspectives.  
Creating this resource can improve students’ cultural competencies,  improve the quality of their research, strengthen interactions  with stakeholders,  and enhance students’ personal and professional  growth.   
This session invites students, researchers, teaching staff and stakeholders to share experiences and collaborate to produce a positionality resource for challenge based learning.