ECTS credit system and grading
ECTS credit system and grading

The Hungarian academic credit system following the Hungarian law is an ECTS-compatible system. The calculation of the credits is based on the number of working hours of the students (one credit is 30 student working hours, on average).
At the end of the semester, the student’s study achievement is evaluated with a grade (5-excellent, 4-good, 3-medium or satisfactory, 2-sufficient or pass, 1-fail). The ECTS conversion table ensures transfer procedures between the Hungarian academic credit system and the ECTS. The recognition of courses completed abroad is based on the credit transfer regulation.
For incoming international students, a Transcript of Records is issued at the end of the semester, which contains the code and title of the completed courses, credits, grade, and its ECTS-compatible grade.
ECTS credits:
1 full academic year = 60 credits
1 semester = 30 credits
ECTS conversion table – System of assessment:
ELTE grade - Equivalent ECTS grade:
5 (excellent) - A, B excellent, very good
An excellent (5) grade is assigned to the student who thoroughly knows the entire subject matter in all of its inherent relationships and is able to independently apply his/her knowledge with absolute certainty;
4 (good) - C good
A good (4) grade is assigned to the student who thoroughly knows the entire subject matter of the course and can safely apply its content;
3 (satisfactory) - D satisfactory
A satisfactory (3) grade is assigned to the student who knows significant portions of the subject matter of the course and is able to apply them with suitable safely;
2 (pass) - E sufficient
A pass (2) grade is assigned to the student who knows the significant parts of the course on a satisfactory level and is able to demonstrate an acceptable level of familiarity in the application of the content of the course;
1 (fail) - FX, F fail
A fail (1) grade is assigned to the student who does not command sufficient knowledge and demonstrate skill in applying the practices of his/her chosen field.