SN - Additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses

SN - Additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses

The call for application for the 2025/2026 academic year will be available from April 10, 2025. The application conditions and available scholarship amounts will remain unchanged, you can find out about them in advance below.

Eötvös Loránd University and Tempus Public Foundation are inviting applications for SN additional support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses studying in higher education who have won an Erasmus+ mobility scholarship in the 2024/2025 academic year. The aim of the additional support is to provide equal opportunities in the field of higher education for outgoing participants with special needs in the Erasmus+ program.

Detailed call for application

A) Who can apply?

Students participating in an Erasmus+ study, traineeship or short-term mobility abroad in the academic year 2024/2025 may apply, if:

  • They are, for example, visually or hearing impaired, disabled, diabetic, lactose or gluten intolerant, or
  • They are in need of ongoing medical supervision due to a long-term illness and their illness constitutes a significant additional cost during their stay abroad.

Please note that applications for additional support cannot be submitted retrospectively for mobilities already started at the time of application.

B) Application documents

  • Application Form (xlsx)
  • medical history certifying the existence of disability/ chronic illness/ pain

For more information on the application documents, please read the detailed call for application.

The amount of the additional financial support is decided by the Board of Trustees of the Tempus Public Foundation (TPF) in accordance with the evaluation of a committee of independent medical experts. The decision is expected within two months after the current deadline. ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes will inform you of the result as soon as they receive the decision from TPF.

The deadline for applications for the autumn semester of 2024/2025:
24 May 2024 (12:00) - ENDED
The deadline for applications for the spring semester of 2024/2025:
- 22 November 2024 (12:00) for all mobility types - ENDED
- 21 February 2025 (12:00) - as a general rule, for traineeship mobilities with continuous application, short-term doctoral mobilities or Blended Intensive Programmes. If you wish to apply for additional support in connection to your study abroad mobility, applications are accepted in justified cases.
In the case of traineeship mobilities with continuous application, short-term doctoral mobilities, or Blended Intensive Programmes, if your mobility application falls between two deadlines, please submit your request for additional financial support at the same time as the mobility application, but please note that results will only be announced after the current deadline (see above), and in the case of an awarded application, payment will only completed after the announcement. Please note that applications for additional support cannot be submitted retrospectively for mobilities already started at the time of application.

C) Amount and settlement of the additional support

The amount of the additional support:

  • Long-term student mobility (studies, traineeship, traineeship after graduation): Provided that the request for additional support is supported by the documents submitted, the additional support for students will be a flat-rate amount of €250 per month.
  • For short-term student mobility, the support will be a one-off amount of €100 (for mobility of 1-14 days) or €150 (for mobility of 15-30 days).
  • For requests over €250 per month (see „Request and settlement method” paragraph 2.): amount proposed by the medical experts.

Request and settlement method:

  1. For student mobility, an itemised list of costs is not necessary to apply for additional support of up to €250 per month, nor is a list of purchased items certified by invoices required at the end of the mobility.
  2. If the student needs additional support exceeding €250 per month for the mobility, they must list the items in the application form for which they require additional support and the amount of support requested. The application form must indicate the amounts requested for the whole period. Only items closely linked to the stay abroad may be supported. If, based on the documents submitted, the amount of the additional allowance proposed by the medical experts exceeds €250 per month, only the amount exceeding €250 per month must be accounted for by the outgoing participant, supported by invoices.
  3. All students on long-term mobility, who apply for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities at the same time, shall list the items for which they require additional support, as well as account for the total amount of their additional support. The application procedure is the same as described in article 2.

D) How to apply

The application material can only be submitted, on the specified, electronically completed application form as follows:

  • The filled-out application form and the original or a copy of the compulsory attachments (in the case of a copy, it must be marked as "identical to the original", certified by the applicant's signature and the date) must be submitted to the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes (1056 Budapest, Szerb utca 21-23. I. em. 37.);
  • The electronically filled-out application form (xlsx format, not scanned, without signature), the scanned version of the printed and signed application form, and the scanned versions of the compulsory attachments (so at least 3 documents) must be sent to  Please rename the file of the application form in the following way: lastname_firstname_date of birth (YYYYMMDD)_ELTE_2425 (For example: Smith_John_19990909_ELTE_2425). Please indicate in the subject of the e-mail: "Application: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses"
  • Please note that applications submitted incompletely or incorrectly after the deadline will not be accepted.

Guide for submitting the application:

  • First, save the application form. Opening it, you will be able to fill out the form electronically.
  • Fill out the form electronically (year: the year of your studies during the mobility, e.g. Year 2; major: what you are currently studying, e.g. psychology; Personal educational ID number: the ID number starting with 7 on your student card; level of study: BA/MA/PhD/undivided one-tier; for the status and type of mobility, you can select the appropriate option from the drop-down list).
  • Description of the illness or disability: Explain in detail what disability or long-term illness you have, how it affects your mobility and what the additional costs are.
  • Itemised list of the required additional financial support: It is only required for students who are applying for an additional grant over €250 per month. Completion is compulsory for students on long-term mobility, who apply for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities at the same time. Please provide an item-by-item list of the types of costs and the amount of financial support required for each type, for the entire mobility period. Please keep in mind that you must account for the use of the acquired financial support exceeding €250 per month item-by-item with invoices. For example, if you list "gluten-free foods", the invoice or other proof of purchase must indicate that the food you have purchased was indeed gluten-free. Only apply for support for additional costs that are closely related to your illness and are incurred due to your stay abroad!    
  • Detailed justification for the need for additional financial support: It is only required for students who are applying for an additional grant over €250 per month. Completion is compulsory for students on long-term mobility, who apply for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities at the same time.
  • Make sure that the “required amount” box contains ONLY NUMBERS, otherwise the formulas in the table will not work.
  • The medical certificate to be included as a compulsory attachment may also be issued (in certain cases not more than three months ago, see the detailed call for application) by a general practitioner on the basis of a previous specialist report, but this is an option only if the specialist is not available before the application is submitted.
  • Attach any proof you deem necessary to the form.
  • If you have any questions, please contact us at least 1 or 2 weeks before the submission deadline. Do not leave the application to the last minute. IMPORTANT: You must sign the application form with a BLUE PEN.

E) Use of support, settlement

For student mobility where the additional financial support awarded exceeds €250 per month, the additional support can only be used for the costs requested in the application and approved by the Board of Trustees of Tempus Public Foundation. Proof of use must be provided with an itemised list supported by invoices by the participant at the end of the mobility. The additional support in this case can only be used for the expenses requested in the application and for those that the Board of Trustees of the Tempus Public Foundation has accepted.

For students who have received the additional financial support exceeding €250 per month will be prepared by a member of the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes during a short, Teams or Skype interview before departure to facilitate the account of the financial support.

The additional support will be transferred by the sending higher education institution to the rewarded applicant in one amount, after the grant has been awarded, preferably together with the first instalment of the Erasmus+ scholarship, if the mobility has not yet started. If your mobility has already started by the time of the decision, the grant will be paid after the necessary amendment of the grant agreement.

F) More information

  • ELTE Directorate of Educational Affairs: Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes, (e-mail subject: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses)

  • Tempus Public Foundation (061-237-1300,

Additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses - 2023/24

Eötvös Loránd University and Tempus Public Foundation are inviting applications for additional support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses studying in higher education who have won an Erasmus+ mobility scholarship in the 2023/2024 academic year. The aim of the additional support is to provide equal opportunities in the field of higher education for outgoing participants with special needs in the Erasmus+ program.

Call for application

A) Who can apply?

Students participating in an Erasmus+ study, traineeship or short-term mobility abroad in the academic year 2023/2024 may apply, if:

  • They are, for example, visually or hearing impaired, disabled, diabetic, lactose or gluten intolerant, or
  • They are in need of ongoing medical supervision due to a long-term illness and their illness constitutes a significant additional cost during their stay abroad.
B) Application documents:
  • Application Form (xlsx)
  • medical history certifying the existence of disability/ chronic illness/ pain

For more information on the application documents, please read the detailed Call for Application.

The amount of the additional financial support is decided by the Board of Trustees of the Tempus Public Foundation in accordance with the evaluation of a committee of independent medical experts.

The deadline for applications for the autumn semester of 2023/2024 is 28 April August 2023 (12:00).
The deadline for applications for the spring semester of 2023/2024 is 20 October 2023 (12:00) or 19 January 2024 (12:00).
C) Amount and settlement of the additional support

The amount of the additional support:

  • Long-term student mobility (studies, traineeship, traineeship after graduation): Provided that the request for additional support is supported by the documents submitted, the additional support for students will be a flat-rate amount of €250 per month.
  • For short-term student mobility, the support will be a one-off amount of €100 (for mobility of 1-14 days) or €150 (for mobility of 15-30 days).
  • For requests over €250 per month (see „Request and settlement method” paragraph 2.): amount proposed by the medical experts.

Request and settlement method:

  1. For student mobility, an itemised list of costs is not necessary to apply for additional support of up to €250 per month, nor is a list of purchased items certified by invoices required at the end of the mobility.
  2. If the student needs additional support exceeding €250 per month for the mobility or has applied for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities (see art. I.), further additional support may be requested. In this case, the applicant must list the items in the application form for which they require additional support and the amount of support requested. The application form must indicate the amounts requested for the whole period. Only items closely linked to the stay abroad may be supported. If, based on the documents submitted, the amount of the additional allowance proposed by the medical experts exceeds €250 per month, only the amount exceeding €250 per month must be accounted for by the outgoing participant, supported by invoices.

Attention! All students on long-term mobility, who apply for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities at the same time, shall list the items for which they require additional support, as well as account for the total amount of their additional support (as detailed in par. 2. above).

D) How to apply

The application material can only be submitted, on the specified, electronically completed application form as follows:

  • The filled-out application form and the original or a copy of the compulsory attachments (in the case of a copy, it must be marked as "identical to the original", certified by the applicant's signature and the date) must be submitted to the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes (1056 Budapest, Szerb utca 21-23. I. em. 37.);
  • The electronically filled-out application form (xlsx format, not scanned, without signature), the scanned version of the printed and signed application form, and the scanned versions of the compulsory attachments (so at least 3 documents) must be sent to Please rename the file of the application form in the following way: lastname_firstname_date of birth (YYYYMMDD)_ELTE_2223 (For example: Smith_John_19990909_ELTE_2223). Please indicate in the subject of the e-mail: "Application: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses"
  • Please note that applications submitted incompletely or incorrectly after the deadline will not be accepted.

Guide for submitting the application:

  • First, save the application form. Opening it, you will be able to fill out the form electronically.
  • Fill out the form electronically (year: your current year, e.g. Year 2; major: what you are currently studying, e.g. psychology; OM identification number: the ID number starting with 7 on your student card; level of study: BA/MA/PhD/undivided one-tier; for the status and type of mobility, you can select the appropriate option from the drop-down list).
  • Description of the illness or disability: Explain in detail what disability or long-term illness you have, how it affects your mobility and what the additional costs are.
  • Itemised list of the required additional financial support: It is only required for students who are applying for an additional grant over €250 per month. Completion is compulsory for students on long-term mobility, who apply for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities at the same time. Please provide an item-by-item list of the types of costs and the amount of financial support required for each type, for the entire mobility period. Please keep in mind that you must account for the use of the acquired financial support exceeding €250 per month item-by-item with invoices. For example, if you list "gluten-free foods", the invoice or other proof of purchase must indicate that the food you have purchased was indeed gluten-free, so in this case, for example, fruits cannot be accounted for. Only apply for support for additional costs that are closely related to your illness and are incurred due to your stay abroad!    
  • Detailed justification for the need for additional financial support: It is only required for students who are applying for an additional grant over €250 per month. Completion is compulsory for students on long-term mobility, who apply for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities at the same time.
  • Make sure that the “required amount” box contains ONLY NUMBERS, otherwise the formulas in the table will not work.
  • The medical certificate to be included as a compulsory attachment may also be issued by a general practitioner on the basis of a previous specialist report, but this is an option only if the specialist is not available before the application is submitted.
  • Attach any proof you deem necessary to the form.
  • If you have any questions, please contact us at least 1 or 2 weeks before the submission deadline. Do not leave the application to the last minute. IMPORTANT: You must sign the application form with a BLUE PEN.
E) Use of support, settlement

For student mobility where the additional financial support awarded exceeds €250 per month, the additional support can only be used for the costs requested in the application and approved by the Board of Trustees of Tempus Public Foundation. Proof of use must be provided with an itemised list supported by invoices by the participant at the end of the mobility. The additional support in this case can only be used for the expenses requested in the application and for those that the Board of Trustees of the Tempus Public Foundation has accepted.

For students who have received the additional financial support exceeding €250 per month will be prepared by a member of the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes during a short, Teams or Skype interview before departure to facilitate the account of the financial support.

The additional support will be transferred by the sending higher education institution to the rewarded applicant in one amount, after the grant has been awarded, preferably together with the first instalment of the Erasmus+ scholarship, if the mobility has not yet started. If your mobility has already started, the grant will be paid after the necessary amendment of the grant agreement.

F) More information
  • ELTE Directorate of Educational Affairs: Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes, (e-mail subject: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses)

  • Tempus Public Foundation (061-237-1300,

Additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses - 2022/23

Eötvös Loránd University and Tempus Public Foundation are inviting applications for additional support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses studying in higher education who have won an Erasmus+ mobility scholarship in the 2022/2023 academic year. The aim of the additional support is to provide equal opportunities in the field of higher education for outgoing participants with special needs in the Erasmus+ program.

Call for application

A) Who can apply?

Students participating in an Erasmus+ study, traineeship or short-term mobility abroad in the academic year 2022/2023 may apply, if:

  • They are, for example, visually or hearing impaired, disabled, diabetic, lactose or gluten intolerant, or
  • They are in need of ongoing medical supervision due to a long-term illness and their illness constitutes a significant additional cost during their stay abroad.
B) Application documents:
  • Application Form (xlsx)
  • medical history certifying the existence of disability/ chronic illness/ pain

For more information on the application documents, please read the detailed Call for Application.

The amount of the additional financial support is decided by the Board of Trustees of the Tempus Public Foundation in accordance with the evaluation of a committee of independent medical experts.

The deadline for applications for the autumn semester of 2022/2023 is 12 August 2022 (12:00).
The deadline for applications for the spring semester of 2022/2023 is 28 October 2022 (12:00) or 20 January 2023 (12:00).
C) Amount and settlement of the additional support

The amount of the additional support:

  • Long-term student mobility (studies, traineeship, traineeship after graduation): Provided that the request for additional support is supported by the documents submitted, the additional support for students will be a flat-rate amount of €250 per month.
  • For short-term student mobility, the support will be a one-off amount of €100 (for mobility of 1-14 days) or €150 (for mobility of 15-30 days).
  • For requests over €250 per month (see „Request and settlement method” paragraph 2.): amount proposed by the medical experts.

Request and settlement method:

  1. For student mobility, an itemised list of costs is not necessary to apply for additional support of up to €250 per month, nor is a list of purchased items certified by invoices required at the end of the mobility.
  2. If the student needs additional support exceeding €250 per month for the mobility or has applied for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities (see art. I.), further additional support may be requested. In this case, the applicant must list the items in the application form for which they require additional support and the amount of support requested. The application form must indicate the amounts requested for the whole period. Only items closely linked to the stay abroad may be supported. If, based on the documents submitted, the amount of the additional allowance proposed by the medical experts exceeds €250 per month, only the amount exceeding €250 per month must be accounted for by the outgoing participant, supported by invoices.

Attention! All students on long-term mobility, who apply for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities at the same time, shall list the items for which they require additional support, as well as account for the total amount of their additional support (as detailed in par. 2. above).

D) How to apply

The application material can only be submitted, on the specified, electronically completed application form as follows:

  • The filled-out application form and the original or a copy of the compulsory attachments (in the case of a copy, it must be marked as "identical to the original", certified by the applicant's signature and the date) must be submitted to the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes (1056 Budapest, Szerb utca 21-23. I. em. 37.);
  • The electronically filled-out application form (xlsx format, not scanned, without signature), the scanned version of the printed and signed application form, and the scanned versions of the compulsory attachments (so at least 3 documents) must be sent to Please rename the file of the application form in the following way: lastname_firstname_date of birth (YYYYMMDD)_ELTE_2223 (For example: Smith_John_19990909_ELTE_2223). Please indicate in the subject of the e-mail: "Application: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses"
  • Please note that applications submitted incompletely or incorrectly after the deadline will not be accepted.

Guide for submitting the application:

  • First, save the application form. Opening it, you will be able to fill out the form electronically.
  • Fill out the form electronically (year: your current year, e.g. Year 2; major: what you are currently studying, e.g. psychology; OM identification number: the ID number starting with 7 on your student card; level of study: BA/MA/PhD/undivided one-tier; for the status and type of mobility, you can select the appropriate option from the drop-down list).
  • Description of the illness or disability: Explain in detail what disability or long-term illness you have, how it affects your mobility and what the additional costs are.
  • Itemised list of the required additional financial support: It is only required for students who are applying for an additional grant over €250 per month. Completion is compulsory for students on long-term mobility, who apply for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities at the same time. Please provide an item-by-item list of the types of costs and the amount of financial support required for each type, for the entire mobility period. Please keep in mind that you must account for the use of the acquired financial support exceeding €250 per month item-by-item with invoices. For example, if you list "gluten-free foods", the invoice or other proof of purchase must indicate that the food you have purchased was indeed gluten-free, so in this case, for example, fruits cannot be accounted for. Only apply for support for additional costs that are closely related to your illness and are incurred due to your stay abroad!    
  • Detailed justification for the need for additional financial support: It is only required for students who are applying for an additional grant over €250 per month. Completion is compulsory for students on long-term mobility, who apply for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities at the same time.
  • Make sure that the “required amount” box contains ONLY NUMBERS, otherwise the formulas in the table will not work.
  • The medical certificate to be included as a compulsory attachment may also be issued by a general practitioner on the basis of a previous specialist report, but this is an option only if the specialist is not available before the application is submitted.
  • Attach any proof you deem necessary to the form.
  • If you have any questions, please contact us at least 1 or 2 weeks before the submission deadline. Do not leave the application to the last minute. IMPORTANT: You must sign the application form with a BLUE PEN.
E) Use of support, settlement

For student mobility where the additional financial support awarded exceeds €250 per month, the additional support can only be used for the costs requested in the application and approved by the Board of Trustees of Tempus Public Foundation. Proof of use must be provided with an itemised list supported by invoices by the participant at the end of the mobility. The additional support in this case can only be used for the expenses requested in the application and for those that the Board of Trustees of the Tempus Public Foundation has accepted.

For students who have received the additional financial support exceeding €250 per month will be prepared by a member of the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes during a short, Teams or Skype interview before departure to facilitate the account of the financial support.

The additional support will be transferred by the sending higher education institution to the rewarded applicant in one amount, after the grant has been awarded, preferably together with the first instalment of the Erasmus+ scholarship, if the mobility has not yet started. If your mobility has already started, the grant will be paid after the necessary amendment of the grant agreement.

F) More information
  • ELTE Directorate of Educational Affairs: Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes, (e-mail subject: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses)
  • Tempus Public Foundation (061-237-1300,

Additional financial support for students and staff with disabilities or long-term illnesses - 2021/22 - call for application in March 2022)

Eötvös Loránd University and Tempus Public Foundation are inviting applications for additional support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses studying in higher education who have won an Erasmus+ mobility scholarship in the 2021/2022 academic year. The aim of the additional support is to provide equal opportunities in the field of higher education for outgoing participants with special needs in the Erasmus+ program.

You can apply for support retrospectively, even if your mobility has already started, but not after the ending date of your mobility. It is possible to apply continuously, the Tempus Public Foundation evaluates the applications received by that date once a month. The grant will be paid after the application is approved and the necessary amendment of the grant agreement is signed.

Call for application

A) Who can apply?

Students participating in an Erasmus+ study, traineeship or short-term mobility abroad may apply, if:

  • They are, for example, visually or hearing impaired, disabled, diabetic, lactose or gluten intolerant, or
  • They are in need of ongoing medical supervision due to a long-term illness and their illness constitutes a significant additional cost during their stay abroad.
B) Application documents:
  • Application Form (xlsx)
  • medical history summary not older than three months or verified by a general practitioner

For more information on the application documents, please read the detailed Call for Application.

The amount of the additional financial support is decided by the Board of Trustees of the Tempus Public Foundation in accordance with the evaluation of a committee of independent medical experts.

It is possible to apply continuously.
It is recommended that the application for additional support is submitted 3 months before the planned start of the mobility to allow sufficient time for the evaluation process, contracting and the transfer of the additional financial support before the mobility takes place.
C) Amount and settlement of the additional support

The amount of the additional support:

  • Long-term student mobility (studies, traineeship, traineeship after graduation): Provided that the request for additional support is supported by the documents submitted, the additional support for students will be a flat-rate amount of €250 per month.
  • For short-term student mobility, the support will be a one-off amount of €100 (for mobility of 1-14 days) or €150 (for mobility of 15-30 days).
  • For requests over €250 per month (see „Request and settlement method” paragraph 2.): amount proposed by the medical experts.

Request and settlement method:

  1. For student mobility, an itemised list of costs is not necessary to apply for additional support of up to €250 per month, nor is a list of purchased items certified by invoices required at the end of the mobility.
  2. If the student needs additional support exceeding €250 per month for the mobility or has applied for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities (see art. I.), further additional support may be requested. In this case, the applicant must list the items in the application form for which they require additional support and the amount of support requested. The application form must indicate the amounts requested for the whole period. Only items closely linked to the stay abroad may be supported. If, based on the documents submitted, the amount of the additional allowance proposed by the medical experts exceeds €250 per month, only the amount exceeding €250 per month must be accounted for by the outgoing participant, supported by invoices.

Attention! All students on long-term mobility, who apply for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities at the same time, shall list the items for which they require additional support, as well as account for the total amount of their additional support (as detailed in par. 2. above).

D) How to apply

The application material can only be submitted, on the specified, electronically completed application form as follows:

  • The filled-out application form and the original or a copy of the compulsory attachments (in the case of a copy, it must be marked as "identical to the original", certified by the applicant's signature and the date) must be submitted to the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes (1056 Budapest, Szerb utca 21-23. I. em. 37.);
  • The electronically filled-out application form (xlsx format, not scanned, without signature), the scanned version of the printed and signed application form, and the scanned versions of the compulsory attachments (so at least 3 documents) must be sent to Please rename the file of the application form in the following way: lastname_firstname_date of birth (YYYYMMDD)_ELTE_2122 (For example: Smith_John_19990909_ELTE_2122). Please indicate in the subject of the e-mail: "Application: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses"
  • Please note that applications submitted incompletely or incorrectly after the deadline will not be accepted.

Guide for submitting the application:

  • First, save the application form. Opening it, you will be able to fill out the form electronically.
  • Fill out the form electronically (year: your current year, e.g. Year 2; major: what you are currently studying, e.g. psychology; OM identification number: the ID number starting with 7 on your student card; level of study: BA/MA/PhD/undivided one-tier; for the status and type of mobility, you can select the appropriate option from the drop-down list).
  • Description of the illness or disability: Explain in detail what disability or long-term illness you have, how it affects your mobility and what the additional costs are.
  • Itemised list of the required additional financial support: It is only required for students who are applying for an additional grant over €250 per month. Completion is compulsory for students on long-term mobility, who apply for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities at the same time. Please provide an item-by-item list of the types of costs and the amount of financial support required for each type, for the entire mobility period. Please keep in mind that you must account for the use of the acquired financial support exceeding €250 per month item-by-item with invoices. For example, if you list "gluten-free foods", the invoice or other proof of purchase must indicate that the food you have purchased was indeed gluten-free, so in this case, for example, fruits cannot be accounted for. Only apply for support for additional costs that are closely related to your illness and are incurred due to your stay abroad!    
  • Detailed justification for the need for additional financial support: It is only required for students who are applying for an additional grant over €250 per month. Completion is compulsory for students on long-term mobility, who apply for the additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities at the same time.
  • Make sure that the “required amount” box contains ONLY NUMBERS, otherwise the formulas in the table will not work.
  • The medical certificate to be included as a compulsory attachment may also be issued by a general practitioner on the basis of a previous specialist report, but this is an option only if the specialist is not available before the application is submitted.
  • Attach any proof you deem necessary to the form.
  • If you have any questions, please contact us at least 1 or 2 weeks before the submission deadline. Do not leave the application to the last minute. IMPORTANT: You must sign the application form with a BLUE PEN.
E) Use of support, settlement

For student mobility where the additional financial support awarded exceeds €250 per month, the additional support can only be used for the costs requested in the application and approved by the Board of Trustees of Tempus Public Foundation. Proof of use must be provided with an itemised list supported by invoices by the participant at the end of the mobility. The additional support in this case can only be used for the expenses requested in the application and for those that the Board of Trustees of the Tempus Public Foundation has accepted.

For students who have received the additional financial support exceeding €250 per month will be prepared by a member of the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes during a short, Teams or Skype interview before departure to facilitate the account of the financial support.

The additional support will be transferred by the sending higher education institution to the rewarded applicant in one amount, after the grant has been awarded, preferably together with the first instalment of the Erasmus+ scholarship, if the mobility has not yet started. If your mobility has already started, the grant will be paid after the necessary amendment of the grant agreement.

F) More information
  • ELTE Directorate of Educational Affairs: Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes, (e-mail subject: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses)
  • Tempus Public Foundation (061-237-1300,

Additional financial support for students and staff with disabilities or long-term illnesses - 2021/22

The Tempus Public Foundation and Eötvös Loránd University are announcing an application for additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses who have won an Erasmus mobility scholarship in the 2020/2021 academic year.

Call for Application


Students participating in an Erasmus+ study- or traineeship abroad may apply, if:

  • They are, for example, visually or hearing impaired, disabled, diabetic, lactose or gluten intolerant, or
  • They are in need of ongoing medical supervision due to a long-term illness and their illness constitutes a significant additional cost during their stay abroad.


  • Application Form (xlsx)
  • medical history summary not older than three months or verified by a general practitioner
  • proof of duration of the Erasmus+ scholarship granted for the 2020/21 academic year, which will be attached to the application by the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes of the ELTE Directorate of Educational Affairs, so the student does not have to deal with this.

For more information on the application documents, please read the detailed Call for Application.

The amount of the additional financial support is decided by the Board of Trustees of the Tempus Public Foundation in accordance with the evaluation of a committee of independent medical experts.

The additional financial support must be requested item by item, and the use of the support is possible according to the items rewarded, with an itemised expense report certified by invoices.

Deadline for submission of application for the spring semester: January 28, 2022


The application material must be submitted each year according to a standard application procedure, which requires the use of a printer and scanner. However, with the permission of the Tempus Public Foundation, in the light of the coronavirus epidemic, the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes will temporarily allow applicants with the deadline of Jan 28, 2022 to submit their application only electronically (without the signature of the applicant). However, please note that once the emergency has been resolved and personal administration has resumed, applications must be submitted in accordance with the original procedure as well. Failure to do so will result in a refund of the full amount of the additional financial support awarded.

Temporary submission procedure (for students applying until Jan 28, 2022) The electronically filled-out application form (xlsx format, not scanned, without signature), and the electronic versions of the compulsory attachments (scan or good quality photo), so at least 2 documents must be sent to from the ELTE e-mail address (e.g. Caesar address) of the applicant. Please rename the file of the application form in the following way: lastname_firstname_date of birth (YYYYMMDD)_ELTE_2022 (For example: Smith_John_19990909_ELTE_2022). Please indicate in the subject of the e-mail: "Application: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses"

Guide for submitting the application:

  • First, save the application form. Opening it, you will be able to fill out the form electronically.
  • Fill out the form electronically (year: your current year, e.g. Year 2; major: what you are currently studying, e.g. psychology; OM identification number: the ID number starting with 7 on your student card; level of study: Bachelor Programme / Master programme/ one-tier master programme / PhD / ; for the status and type of mobility, you can select the appropriate option from the drop-down list).
  • Description of the illness or disability: Explain in detail what disability or long-term illness you have, how it affects your mobility and what the additional costs are.
  • Itemised list of the required additional financial support: Please provide an item-by-item list of the types of costs and the amount of financial support required for each type. Please keep in mind that you must account for the use of the acquired financial support item by item with invoices. For example, if you list "gluten-free foods", the invoice or other proof of purchase must indicate that the food you have purchased was indeed gluten-free, so in this case, for example, fruits cannot be accounted for.
  • When entering the requested financial support amount, take into consideration the maximum financial support amounts that can be granted (see the table in the Call for Application):
    - mild illness/disability: maximum 150 €/month
    - moderate illness/disability: maximum 320 €/month
    - severe illness/disability: maximum 500 €/month
  • Make sure that the “required amount” box contains ONLY NUMBERS, otherwise the formulas in the table will not work.
  • The medical certificate to be included as a compulsory attachment may also be issued by a general practitioner on the basis of a previous specialist report, but this is only an option if the specialist is not available before the application is submitted.
  • Attach any proof you deem necessary to the form. If you have any questions, please contact us at least 1 week before the submission deadline. Do not leave the application to the last minute.

Example of a completed application form (this is what you must submit electronically)

After this, you must do the following:

  1. Rename the file of the electronically filled-out application form (xlsx) in the aforementioned way (lastname_firstname_date of birth (YYYYMMDD)_ELTE_2022 (For example: Smith_John_19990909_ELTE_2022). Then send it to from your ELTE e-mail address (e.g. Caesar address). The subject of the e-mail should be: "Application: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses" Do not forget to attach the compulsory attachments as well.

Regular submission procedure

The application material can only be submitted, on the specified, electronically completed application form as follows:

  • the filled-out application form and the original or a copy of the compulsory attachments (in the case of a copy, it must be marked as "identical to the original", certified by the applicant's signature and the date) must be submitted to the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes (1056 Budapest, Szerb utca 21-23. I. em. 37.);
  • the electronically filled-out application form (xlsx format, not scanned, without signature), the scanned version of the printed and signed application form, and the scanned versions of the compulsory attachments (so at least 3 documents) must be sent to

Please rename the file of the application form in the following way: lastname_firstname_date of birth (YYYYMMDD)_ELTE_2022 (For example: Smith_John_19990909_ELTE_2022). Please indicate in the subject of the e-mail: "Application: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses".

Guide for submitting the application:

  • First, save the application form. Opening it, you will be able to fill out the form electronically.
  • Fill out the form electronically (year: your current year, e.g. Year 2; major: what you are currently studying, e.g. psychology; OM identification number: the ID number starting with 7 on your student card; level of study: BA/MA/PhD/undivided one-tier; for the status and type of mobility, you can select the appropriate option from the drop-down list).
  • Description of the illness or disability: Explain in detail what disability or long-term illness you have, how it affects your mobility and what the additional costs are.
  • Itemised list of the required additional financial support: Please provide an item-by-item list of the types of costs and the amount of financial support required for each type. Please keep in mind that you must account for the use of the acquired financial support item-by-item with invoices. For example, if you list "gluten-free foods", the invoice or other proof of purchase must indicate that the food you have purchased was indeed gluten-free, so in this case, for example, fruits cannot be accounted for.
  • When entering the requested financial support amount, take into consideration the maximum financial support amounts that can be granted (see the table in the Call for Application):
    - mild illness/disability: maximum 150 €/month
    - moderate illness/disability: maximum 320 €/month
    - severe illness/disability: maximum 500 €/month
  • Make sure that the “required amount” box contains ONLY NUMBERS, otherwise the formulas in the table will not work.
  • The medical certificate to be included as a compulsory attachment may also be issued by a general practitioner on the basis of a previous specialist report, but this is an option only if the specialist is not available before the application is submitted.
  • Attach any proof you deem necessary to the form.
  • If you have any questions, please contact us at least 1 or 2 weeks before the submission deadline. Do not leave the application to the last minute. IMPORTANT: You must sign the application form with a BLUE PEN.

Example of a completed application form (this is what you must submit electronically)

After this, you must do the following:

  1. Rename the file of the electronically filled-out application form (xlsx) in the aforementioned way (lastname_firstname_date of birth (YYYYMMDD)_ELTE_2021 (For example: Smith_John_19990909_ELTE_2021). Then send it to The subject of the e-mail should be: "Application: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses" Please attach the scanned version of the completed application form, and do not forget to attach the compulsory attachments as well.
  2. Submit the signed original application form and the original compulsory attachments here: ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes, 1056 Budapest, Szerb utca 21–23. I. em. 37. In case this is not possible, you can send the documents by post - please make sure that the documents must be received by the specified deadline.

Please note that applications submitted incompletely or incorrectly after the deadline will not be accepted.


The additional support can only be used for the expenses requested in the application and for those that the Board of Trustees of the Tempus Public Foundation has accepted.

The support must be requested item-by-item, and the use of the support is only possible according to the items rewarded, with itemised expense report certified by invoices.

Students who have received the additional financial support will be prepared by a member of the ELTE Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes during a short, personal Teams or Skype interview before departure to facilitate the account of the financial support.

The additional support will be transferred by the sending higher education institution to the rewarded applicant in one amount, after the grant has been awarded, preferably together with the first instalment of the Erasmus+ scholarship.


  • ELTE Directorate of Educational Affairs: Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes, (e-mail subject: Erasmus+ additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses)
  • Tempus Public Foundation (061-237-1300,