ELTE-Chung-Ang Artificial Intelligence Conference
ELTE-Chung-Ang Artificial Intelligence Conference

Please find a short summary of the event on this link (now in English)
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Presenters of the ELTE-Chung-Ang Artificial Intelligence Conference
András Benczúr (SZTAKI)
The Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI) coordinates the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory and the Autonomous Systems National Laboratory. Dr. András Benczúr received his Ph.D. in 1997 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the scientific coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory. Publications
Presentation: The Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory in the Hungarian AI Ecosystem (Please download first before taking a look at the presentation)
Jesús Reyes Nunez (Faculty of Informatics, Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics)
José Jesús Reyes Nunez is Associate Professor at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary. His research interests lie in Cartography for Children (teaching of cartographic concepts and map use in Elementary and Secondary Schools), Digital and GIS Cartography, Web Cartography and Geovisualization. He has given lectures and offered courses in 17 universities of 8 countries. Author of 30 articles in scientific publications and more than 80 papers in different events, he has collaborated as cartographer in more than 40 textbooks and atlases. He is responsible for the organization of the Barbara Petchenik Map Competition in Hungary from 1999, being President of the International Jury in 2005 and 2007. He was Chair of the ICA Commission on Cartography and Children from 2007 to 2015, currently Vice-Chair of the same Commission. The International Cartographic Association awarded him with the Diploma for Outstandings Services to ICA in 2015.
Presentation: Introduction of the Faculty of Informatics
László Gulyás (Dept. of AI)
Presentation: Introduction of the Institute of Industry-Academy Innovation; Clustering Objects on Networks by Schelling’s Ants
János Botzheim (Dept. of AI)
János Botzheim holds an M.Sc. degree in Technical Informatics (2001) and a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering (2008) from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He has completed several international visiting fellowships. For six years he was an associate professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University. His research interests include computational intelligence, in particular evolutionary algorithms and cognitive robotics. He has published about 200 papers in journals and conference proceedings. The number of his known independent references is about 700, with a cumulative impact factor of more than 100. He has been an invited reviewer for numerous scientific journals and conferences.
Presentations: Introduction of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Bacterial Programming and its Applications
Yoon-Sik Cho (Dept. of AI/Chung-Ang University)
Yoon-Sik Cho received his BS degree in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University, South Korea, and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Southern California.
He was an Academic Mentor for the RIPS program with the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of California Los Angeles, and a Postdoctoral Scholar with the Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California.
He also has worked as a Data Scientist at Apple (Applied Machine Learning Div), Research Scientist at Medallia (Text Analytics), and Engineering Intern at Qualcomm (Corporate Research).
He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of AI, Chung-Ang University, South Korea. His research interests include large-scale data science, link prediction in complex network, recommender system, and AI fairness.
Presentation: Introduction of CAU and CAU AI Graduate School
Hwanhee Lee (Dept. of AI/Chung-Ang University)
Hwanhee Lee received Ph.D and B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2022 and 2017 respectively. He worked as a research intern at NAVER CLOVA AI LAB from Aug 2021 to Jan 2022. He was a senior researcher at Automation and Systems Research Institute, Seoul National University from Sep 2022 to Feb 2023. Since Mar 2023, he has been an assistant professor in the department of Artificial Intelligence at Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. His research interests are mainly in the field of natural language processing, focusing on natural language generation & evaluation problems on summarization and dialogue systems.
Presentation: Natural Language Processing
Byungwoo Hong (Dept. of AI/Chung-Ang University)
Byung-Woo Hong received his M.Sc. in Computer Vision from Weizmann Institute of Science with Prof. Shimon Ullman and D.Phil. in Medical Image Analysis from University of Oxford with Sir Prof. Michael Brady in 2001 and 2005, respectively. He joined the Artificial Intelligence Department at Chung-Ang University, Korea as a faculty member in 2008 after his post-doctoral research at Computer Science Department at University of California Los Angeles with Prof. Stefano Soatto. His research interest lies in machine learning, computer vision and medical imaging.
Presentation: Data-driven Adaptive Regularization for Imaging Problems
Kristian Fenech (Dept. of AI)
Presentation:Deep learning methods for human characterisation and small group analysis
Márk Domonkos (Dept. of AI)
Márk Domonkos is currently a PhD student at ELTE FI Dept.AI. He has an MSc degree in Mechatronics engineering. His main research interest are: Human - Robot Interactions, Human - Robot collaboration, HRI in Industry, robotics and mechatronics.
Presentation: Ergonomic Human Robot Interactions – Communication in industrial setups
Balázs Nagy (Dept. of AI)
Balázs Nagy received Ph.D degree in Mechatronics Engineering from Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2022. He joined the Eötvös Loránd University in 2023. Since he has been an assisstant professor in the Department of Artificial Intelligence. His research interests are mainly in the field of ethorobotics and medical AI.
Presentation: Ethologically inspired robot behaviour
István Reményi (Dept. of AI)
István Reményi received his MSc degree in Computer Science with specialize in Computer Graphics. With five years of experience in bioinformatics’ basic research topics and over ten years in the software industry, he focuses on bridging the gap between research and development. Currently, he is a PhD Student at ELTE IF Department of AI, and in parallel, works as Lead AI Engineer at Bosch Hungary. His main research interests are autonomous driving, sensor fusion, computer vision.
Presentation: AI in the vehicle
Massinissa Aouragh (Dept. of AI)
Presentation: Extrinsic Calibration Framework for Camera-Lidar Fusion using Recurrent Residual Network
Attila Bodnár (Dept. of AI)
Presentation: Few Shot Concept Learning
Béla Szekeres (Dept. of Numerical Analysis)
Presentation: Application of the Fourier Neural Operator
Natabara Gyöngyössy (Dept. of AI)
Presentation: Introduction to Spiking Neural Networks
István Hegedűs (National Archives of Hungary)
Historian, archivist and IT specialist and the Head of Digital Content Development Department at the National Archives of Hungary.
Presentation: Historical data linkage with automated solutions. The case of WWII POW records
Ellák Somfai: (Dept. of AI)
Presentation: Composite AI for visual tasks
Szilárd Kovács (Dept. of AI)
Szilárd Kovács received the B.Sc. degree in energy engineering from Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary, in 2018, and the M. Sc. degree in mechatronics from Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in 2020. He has been working as a Ph.D. student in the Department of Artificial Intelligence at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). Research interests: simulation-based optimization, sensor data fusion, and computational intelligence.
Presentation: Bacterial evolutionary and memetic algorithms and their applications in simulations
Aphilak Lonklang (Dept. of AI)
Aphilak's degrees earned: Bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Engineering (First Class Honor B.Eng.) and Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering (M.Eng) from the Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
Present Position: Lecturer at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering, SUT (August 2016 - present).
Research Interests: Industrial Automation, Industrial Robotics, Computational Intelligence.
Presentation: Path Planning Algorithm: Improved RRT* for Mobile Robots
Péter Báldy (Faculty of Law)
Presentation: Experiences and lessons learned from five years of GDPR
Attila Menyhárd (Faculty of Law)
Full professor of civil law at the University of Eötvös Lorand, Faculty of Law, Civil Law Department (Budapest). Member of European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law (Vienna), fellow to Mathias Corvinus Collegium (Budapest) and to Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies (Budapest). Contributes to legislative processes, including the Hungarian Civil Code and the electronic land registry system. Listed member of the Arbitration Court of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Budapest and the ICSID Panel of Arbitrators. Member of UNIDROIT Governing Council and Head of the New Civil Code Advisory Board to the Supreme Court.
Presentation: Regulation of AI and Data Law in the European Union
István Szekrényes (ELTE, Digital Heritage Lab)
Presentation: Artificial Handwritten Text Recognition
Balázs Indig (ELTE, Digital Heritage Lab)
Research fellow at ELTE department of digital humanities and the National laboratory for digital humanities. Earned his PhD on the field of natural language processing. Former developer and maintainer of several NLP tools for Hungarian, and currently leading multiple subprojects, like web harvesting at the laboratory. His research interests includes linguistic-centric resolution of fundamental tasks in NLP for Hungarian as well as the search and discovery of linguistic patterns on large corpora.
Presentation: When Web Archiving Meets Corpus Creation -- The Web Harvesting Project of the National laboratory of Digital Heritage
Dávid Nemeskey (ELTE, Digital Heritage Lab)
Presentation: Wikification for Digital Heritage
Zoltán Szatucsek (National Archives of Hungary):
Szatucsek Zoltán is a senior archivist of the Hungarian National Archives and the head of the Innovation and Information Technology Directorate. He studied history and philosophy in Debrecen and obtained a degree in history from the University of Debrecen. His professional areas of expertise at the archive include electronic records and digital projects, leading research projects that combine the digitization of cultural heritage with machine learning techniques such as HTR (Handwritten Text Recognition) and NLP (Natural Language Processing). He is a member of the European Commission's European Archives Group and the committee working on the European Cultural Heritage Data Space, representing the Hungarian National Archives in the Governing Board of the Archives Portal Europe Foundation. His current research focuses on digital humanities and the application of innovative technologies in archival content processing.
Presentation: Unlocking the potential of Handwritten Text Recognition: European Collaboration in the National Archives of Hungary
ELTE-Chung-Ang Artificial Intelligence Conference
ELTE-Chung-Ang Artificial Intelligence Conference
