Book of Your Life

Book of Your Life

Book of Your Life HU
The Book of Your Life (BoYL) project aims to support the integration of international students arriving at ELTE with the local student community, promote cultural inclusion and encourage acceptance and tolerance among local and international students.

BoYL contributes to these goals by developing the services of the ELTE University Library and Archives based on the needs of the student community. In a broader context, the project shall also provide insight on how university libraries can become safe spaces for international cultural relations as well as how to raise their members’ awareness on the cultural heritage treasures safeguarded by them.

The BoYL project includes the creation of a new student community space in the University Library and Archives' historical building in Ferenciek tere, Budapest. This space will host a series of events directed at students (especially those arriving from foreign countries but also their local peers) as well as university support staff in everyday contact with them.

BoYL is implemented in the framework of The Europe Challenge 2024 run by the European Cultural Foundation and its partners.


The Europe Challenge programme unites European libraries and their communities to jointly develop creative solutions for addressing various challenges facing Europe, such as social exclusion, inequality, disinformation, and the climate crisis. The annual program was first launched in 2020 by the Amsterdam-based European Cultural Foundation and its partners (Fondazione Cariplo, the Scottish Library and Information Council and Arts Council England). In each case, the respective libraries respond to the problems raised by the local community. They may not only receive financial support for the implementation of their programmes but their representatives can also participate in the related mentoring programme for skill and knowledge development.

For the 3rd, 2024 edition of the programme, 55 institutions have been selected from all over Europe and awarded over EUR 466,000 in total by the European Cultural Foundation and its partners. Based on the jury’s decision, Eötvös Loránd University is one of the grantees and represents the only successful applicant from Hungary in the programme’s history so far. More about The Europe Challenge


BoYL, running from January to September 2024 at ELTE, is implemented jointly by the University Library and Archives, the University Students’ Union (EHÖK), the International Strategy Office and the University Strategy Office. An essential objective of the programme is to launch initiatives which are in line with ELTE's Internationalisation Strategy, and which will be embedded in the University's practice well beyond the actual project period.

International students of ELTE arrive from over 100 countries; they form more than 10% of the currently enrolled members of the University Library and Archives.In line with ELTE's Internationalisation Strategy, BoYL places great emphasis on enhancing international students’ mental well-being and encouraging multicultural relationships.

In the first phase of the project, international and domestic students brainstorm together with university support staff about what kind of activities would make their daily life in the library and the university environment more convenient. Also, students can co-create the new community space in a physical sense: they can join creative workshops with a sustainability aspect, producing furniture for the community space.

In the second phase of the project, from late spring 2024 onwards, multilingual thematic activities will be organized in the new community space at the University Library and Archives, including for example interactive lectures, round tables, book exchange and pop-up exhibitions. Mobilisation of the student community will also be done through online campaigns via ELTE’s social media. The observations of the participatory project will be widely shared by ELTE with its domestic and international partners.

Kick-off presentation about the project


  • 19 July 2024: Programmes of the Budapest Summer University - Open Lecture: From Individual Actions to Corparate Policies: Understanding Sustainability Register here
  • 5 September 2024: Library Orientation Day for international students
  • 23–24 September 2024. Closing event of BoYL and CHARM-EU Libraries meetup (details coming soon)

The organizer reserves the right to implement changes in the event schedule.


  • 28 Februray 2024: Intercultural training for ELTE support staff
  • 1 March 2024: BoYL Kick-off Event (more)
  • 4–31 March 2024: ‘Book of Your Life’ social media campaign: book recommendations by students (Facebook)
  • 8–31 March 2024: 1st Call for Pop-up exhibition concepts (more)  
  • 20–31 March 2024: Presentation of wall art projects designed for the community space on ELTE social media (more)
  • 26 March 2024: UNICycle upcycling workshop 1. – participants will renovate and upcycle old university furniture such as chairs, shelves and more for the new community space (more)
  • 10 April 2024: Book of Your Life @ Cultural Connection Day organized by University Students’ Union (EHÖK)
  • 11 April, 2024: UniCycle upcycling workshop 2. – participants will renovate and upcycle old university furniture such as chairs, shelves and more for the new community space (more)
  • 18 April 2024: Intercultural training for ELTE support staff
  • 18 April, 2024: UNICycle upcycling workshop 3. – participants will renovate and upcycle old university furniture such as chairs, shelves and more for the new community space (more)
  • 25 April 2024: Community space inauguration and pop-up exhibition opening 
  • 6–31 May 2024: What’s your favourite reading spot at university? Social media campaign (more)
  • 22 May 2024: Reflections on Liminal Quarters – presentation, interactive discussion and movie night connected to the current exhibition (details coming soon)
  • 29 May 2024: Intercultural training for ELTE support staff

Reservation of the community space and kitchen set up

To book a room, please send an e-mail to with the following details: 

  • Name of the requester, ELTE e-mail address 
  • Name of the planned program in the community space 
  • A short description of the planned program for the community space, including connections to ELTE 
  • Date and duration of the planned program in the community space 
  • Planned language of the program (Hungarian or foreign language) 
  • Whether the requester would like to use the kitchenette to the community space for the program 
  • Technical requirements (e.g., use of a smart board) 

Reservation requests must be submitted at least 7 working days in advance of to the planned program. Responses in connection with the requests will be provided within 2 working days.

The community space can accommodate up to 35-40 people and is suitable for smaller events, workshops, lectures, and roundtable discussions. Smartboards and whiteboards are also available in the space, so it is possible to hold classes with a small number of people.

Venue: ELTE University Library and Archives (1056 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.)



University Strategy Office