ELTE Summer School in Mathematics

25–29 June 2018
The Institute of Mathematics of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest is organizing a one week long summer school in mathematics. This year, the topic of the school will be:"Introduction to graph limits".
A peculiar feature of the most interesting structures and phenomena of the world can be described by networks: a system of individuals with connections between certain pairs of them. These huge networks raise fairly novel, unconventional problems for the mathematician as, in contrast to traditional graph theoretical problems, very large networks (like the Internet) are never completely known, in most cases they are not even well defined. Besides the algorithmic treatment of very large networks, the notions of large graphs and their limits can also be applied successfully for problems from extremal graph theory or from statistical physics.
The aim of the summer school is to give an introduction into the theory of large graphs through four minicourses and three talks, given by experienced senior and young researchers. The school is followed by the conference:
"Building Bridges II"
celebrating the 70th birthday of László Lovász (homepage of the conference).
The school is aimed at undergraduate, graduate, PhD students and young researchers. If you are planning your future and want to check out our graduate school which offers English language MSc and PhD programs, then this is a good opportunity to do so with a 1-week long, intensive experience.
Also, if you are interested in a true European metropolitan city with a vivid cultural life, then Budapest is an obvious choice.
Miklós Abért
László M. Lovász
Balázs Szegedy
Ágnes Backhausz: Limits of random graphs
Péter Csikvári: Statistical physics and graph limits
Péter Frenkel: Homomorphism numbers and graph convergence
Dávid Kunszenti-Kovács: From combinatorics to analysis
Cost and Deadlines
The fee for participation in the Summer School is 120 Euros (135 USD) if paid by April 30, and 170 Euros (190 USD) afterwards. The fee covers printed course material and refreshments.
Registration (and payment of the fee) begins on February 1, 2018 and will be closed on June 15, 2018. See the payment information.
Please note that the university is not able to refund the registration fee in case of cancellation.
First day of classes: June 25, 2018.
Last day of classes: June 29, 2018.
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