

Type of instruction




Part of degree program


Recommended in

Semester 2

Typically offered in

Spring semester

Course description

1. Introduction: short hystory of synapsis research and neurochemistry

2. Most important methods in neurochemical investigation

3. Characteristics of neuronal plasma membrane, structure and activity of the most important groups of integrants proteins

4. Cytoskeleton of the neuron, axonal transport, presynaptic and postsynaptic structures, store and release of transmitters, receptor activation

5. Metabotrop receptor activation, G-proteins and intracellular second messenger systems, changes and regulation of cytosolic Ca2+-level

6. Characterisation of voltage-gated and related ion-channels. Structure and activity of neuronal K+-, Ca++- and Na+-channels

7. Excitatory amino acid transmitter system (glutamate, aspartate): synthesis, vesicula-illing, transmitter release, reuptake, receptor activation

8. Inhibitory amino acid transmitter system: GABA and glicine

9. The cholinergic transmitter system

10. Biogen amines: effect of catecholamine (dopamine, noradrenalin, adrenaline) and serotonin

11. Role of neuronal peptides in the modulation of neuronal activation

12. Other messengers: nucleosides, eicozanoids, cannabinoids, NO

13. Neuronal integration, basic mechanisms of learning and development

14. Neurochemical underlying mechanisms of some neurodegenerative diseases.

  • Scott T. Brady, George J. Siegel, Robert Wayne Albers, Donald Lowell Price: Basic Neurochemistry: Principles of Molecular, Cellular and Medical Neurobiology, Academic Press, 2012, ISBN 9780123749475