Introduction to Psychology
Semester 1
Autumn semester
The course introduces the students into the field of psychology: to psychology as a profession and as a scientific field. First we take a look at the nature and history of psychology as a science (2 lessons), then overview the basic research fields: subjects, theories and research methods (4 lessons). After that we will investigate some major forms of application (4 lessons), and close the semester with a critical reflection.
Learning outcome, competences
- General, comprehensive knowledge about the main topics in psychology: psychology as a science and as a profession
- Openness towards different approaches and contradictions, critical attitude
- Attention, convergent and divergent thinking, critical thinking, reflexivity
Content of the course
Topics of the course
- The nature of psychology: science and profession
- The history/histories of psychology
- General psychology
- Personality psychology
- Developmental psychology
- Social psychology
- Psychological assessment
- Abnormal psychology and psychotherapies
- Psychology of creativity
- Current trends and actual issues
Learning activities, learning methods
Writing notes, asking questions, clarifying correlations and contradictions, memorizing, evocation
Evaluation of outcomes
Learning requirements, mode of evaluation, criteria of evaluation:
Comprehensive, detailed knowledge about the topics of the course, recognizing, understanding and explaining interrelations, contradicitions, etc.
mode of evaluation:
Written exam, containing multiple choice test questions and some short essays
criteria of evaluation:
Multiple choice test questions have got one correct answer; the student has to find the correct answer; in the essay questions s/he has to describe the basic concepts, theories. Both types are scored. Under 46% the mark is 1, from 46% is 2, from 61% is 3, from 76% is 4 from 91% is 5.
Reading list
Compulsory reading list
Yanchar & Hill: What is Psychology About? Toward and Explict Ontology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 2003 43: 11
Recommended reading list
Nolen-Hoeksema,Fredrickson, Loftus & Wagenaar: Atkinson c Hilgards’s Introcuction to Psychology. 15th Edition. Cengea LearningEMEA, 2009
Weiner (ed.). Handbook of Psychology I-V. Wiley & Sons, 2003
Zimbardo, Johnson & McAnn: Psychology – core concepts. Pearson, 2012.