Geoinformatics MSc


Geoinformatics MSc


Master of Science (MSc) in Geoinformatics


Degree program




English, Hungarian


4 semesters (2 years)

ECTS credits


Minimum number of students


Maximum number of students



In everyday life, we all use geoinformation systems in an unnoticed and self-evident way. Geoinformatics is essentially dealing with the management and processing of spatial data, but also includes map visualisation, primary and secondary data collection procedures, and geographic analysis.
The very broad input of the degree program allows us to accept students with cartography, geomatics or geography backgrounds, but also agricultural, technical and computer science.
The program is a collaboration between the Faculty of Informatics and the Faculty of Sciences. The top-level standard of the training is guaranteed by the highly qualified academic staff, as in case with our unique Master of Cartography program. Several of the teachers are involved in the leadership of national and international professional organizations of the related area and in editorial boards of journals in the field. Teaching is supported by modern infrastructure and well-equipped labs.
Upper-year students and PhD students help the first-year students in a mentor system to overcome their first challenges at the university.
The institutes and departments involved in the training are in close contact with various institutions and companies that use geoinformatics in Hungary, thus ensuring the placement of students and familiarising them with the specificities of the job market. 

Strength of program

The high standard of the training is guaranteed by the highly qualified academic staff. Several of the teachers are involved in the leadership of national and international professional organizations of the related area and in editorial boards of journals in the field. Teaching is supported by modern infrastructure and well-equipped labs. Upper-year students and PhD students help the first-year students in a mentor system to overcome their first challenges at the university.


List of courses:

1. Professional core material
1.2. Basics in science
Spatial Reference Systems L
Spatial Reference Systems P
Environmental systems
1.2. Economic, legal and human science
Geography and data background of the information society
Spatial-social data sources
Fundamentals of economics 
1.3. Basics in geoinformatics
Data mining and cloud-based solutions
Geospatial algorithms L
Geospatial algorithms P
Measurements and data collection
Spatial databases
Digital terrain models
Satellite remote sensing L
Satellite remote sensing P
Map design and editing L
Vector-based GIS (QGIS)
Vector-based GIS (ArcGIS)
Application of ArcGIS-based Server and Web GIS
GIS project
High resolution remote sensing L
High resolution remote sensing P
Open source WebGIS
Project management
2. Obligatory optional courses
2.1. Module A
Automatizing spatial analysis
GIS in R
The applications of GIS in physical geography
Creating Databases in Human Geography 
CAD-based GIS
Environment and GIS
Spatial energy planning
Specific GIS software solutions
Hydrologic modelling
Nature conservation and GIS
2.2. Module B
Cartographic elements in geoinformatics
Operating systems
Drones in field spectroscopy
GIS-based cartography
Map design and editing P
3D Modelling in GIS
Image processing
Thematic data L
Thematic data P
Development of scripts and plugins in geoinformatics software (QGIS, ArcGIS)
Dedicated geospatial information systems
3. Internship
4. Elective optional courses
5. Degree thesis
Career opportunities

Government offices, administration in local governments, research institutions, mapping agencies, archives and private firms need a growing number of cartographers who have a solid background of geoinformatics. Business companies which have a strong involvement in various visualization problems (in print or in three-dimensions) are definitely interested in employing our young GIS specialist. Also decision-makers often need the GIS support for understanding the spatial relationship of features and social or natural phenomena.

Job examples

GIS specialist at national mapping agencies, in land registration, at private companies, publishers, geoinformatical firms.

EU/EEA students
non-EU/EEA students
Tuition fee/semester

3,200 EUR

3,200 EUR

Application fee

80 EUR (non-refundable)

80 EUR (non-refundable)

Registration fee



non-EU/EEA students
Tuition fee/semester

3,200 EUR

Application fee

80 EUR (non-refundable)

Registration fee


Offered for the next academic year


Start program

01, Sep, 2025

Deadline for applications - September intake

30, Apr, 2025

Is there a February intake


Admission requirements

Entry requirements

The following BSc degrees are considered acceptable: cartography, geoinformatics (GIS), geomatics, geography, earth sciences. Partly acceptable BSc degrees: environmental science, computer science, surveying.

Language requirements

Minimum level of language proficiency (oral) (A1-C2): B2
Minimum level of language proficiency (written) (A1-C2): B2

Documents to submit with application
Online application form
Bachelor-level degree
Transcript of records
Proof of application fee transfer
Copy of the main pages of the passport (needs to be valid)
Passport photo
Medical certificate
Copy of application fee transfer
Language certificate
Application procedure

The application starts in the online application system. Students need to register in the system, fill in the online application form, upload the required documents and follow the instructions during the application process.

The application fee should be transferred using the following information:

Name of beneficiary: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem 
Address of beneficiary: Egyetem tér 1-3., Budapest, H-1053, HUNGARY 
Account number: 10032000-01426201-00000000
IBAN number: HU03 1003 2000 0142 6201 0000 0000 
Swift code: HUSTHUHB 
Bank’s name and address: Magyar Államkincstár (Hungarian State Treasury), Váci út 71., Budapest, H-1139, HUNGARY

Please add the following Comment to the bank transfer: Your name, MSc Geoinformatics, E10208/22

Entrance examination and selection process

The applications are examined by the Admission Board and applicants are notified of the outcome of the selection in the online application system. Admission letters are sent out in the online application system.

Type of entrance examination: written

Place of entrance examination: by email

Further details of the entrance exam

The applicants receive the test questions (20 to 25 questions in English) by e-mail. Most of the questions include a figure or a map. Here the task is to give a short evaluation of the figures or maps, analyze them or make calculations. These questions test the skills and practical knowledge of the applicant. Other questions focus on the professional orientation and theoretical knowledge of the applicant. The answers should not be more than a few sentences.

The test questions and the answer sheet are compiled by the Head of Institute and the Program coordinator.  The questions are designed in a way that the applicant can answer them only if the applicant has had previous studies in the field. Each correct answer to the question has the same score. The answers are evaluated by the Head of Institute, the Program coordinator and another colleague from the department.

Further details of selection and evaluation

The ranking is based on a total evaluation of the academic excellence (based on the submitted documents) and the results of the entrance exam.

Program leader
Dr. Mátyás GEDE
associate professor
Program coordinator

Program Coordinator
TEL: + 36-1-372-2500/6719
Postal address: Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, 1117 Budapest

More information
Faculty website