ELTE Budapest Summer University - Psychoanalysis, Art and Culture program description
Psychoanalysis is not just a psychotherapeutic approach it is also a hermeneutic-phenomenological qualitative research method on human subjectivity and culture. We invite students to delve into the mysteries of the unconscious and discover what traditional and contemporary psychoanalysis could say about art, culture and society.
The lectures of the Summer University focus on the most fundamental psychoanalytic concepts and current theoretical constructs. The lecturers will be asked to introduce the basic concepts which are needed for a proper understanding of a lecture, so applicants with limited immersion in the Psychoanalytical thought will be able to follow the presentations...
The courses will cover various topics, such as the Budapest School of Psychoanalysis, the Japanese psychoanalysis. We will understand better the process of grief, from a cultural perspective and psychotherapeutical work with torture survivor asylum-seekers We will learn about Shakespeare, whether he was the grandfather of psychoanalysis and about the famous author Lewis Carroll and his relationship to his literary masterpieces the two Alice books. We will have a presentation on the representation of the femininity in psychoanalysis. We will understand the deep psychology of Zombies, and further interesting areas of research.
The summer course is open to all who are studying or graduated in human and social sciences, psychology and also for anyone interested in the Psychoanalytic thought.
Besides introducing the students into the manifold theories of psychoanalysis, we offer non-academic programs, too: You will also have the opportunity to get insight into an art-therapy group experience and discover the residence of Sándor Ferenczi and his cultural connections to Budapest in the frame of interactive guided walks.
In the program, it is included a one-day-trip to outside of Budapest.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Hungary!
The broshure (in pdf) can be downloaded from this link.
Lecturers of the courses:
Keynote Speaker:
Zoltán Kőváry, Psychoanalysis and Creativity
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Other lectures:
Aleksandar Dimitrievic, Was Shakespeare the grandfather of psychoanalysis?
Private Psychoanalytical Praxis, Berlin, Germany
Antal Bókay, Perversion, Language, Literature. Trauma Representation in Lewis Carroll's Alice Novels
University of Pécs, Hungary
Júlia Gyimesi, Sándor Ferenczi and the Budapest School of Psychoanalysis
Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary
Emőke Sarungi, Cultural, Health-related and Theoretical Viewpoints of Grief
Instiute of Psychology University of Szeged, Hungary
Robert Kramer, From Interpretation to Relationship: Ferenczi and Rank in the 1920s
George Washington University, USA
Krisztián Indries, Japanese Psychoanalysis and the Japanese Uniqueness Movement
Eötvös-Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary,
Barbara Miklós, Zombies on the couch: Loss, Aggression and Threatened Identity in the Zombie-movies from Romero to Jarmusch
Eötvös-Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary,
Laura Tarafás From Broken Mirrors to Speaking Subjects: The Psychoanalytically Informed Clinic of Working with Torture Survivor Asylum-seekers,
Université Paris XIII, Spiritan Asylum Services Initiative, France/Ireland
Anna Borgos, Women's Issues and Women analysts in Hungarian Psychoanalysis
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest,
Vera Békés, Defensive Functioning as Indicator of Psychological Vulnerability and Resilience
Yeshiva University, New York, USA
Mónika Takács, University of Pécs, Hungary - Barbara Miklós, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary - Psychoanalysis and the City - Interactive Guided Walk
Mónika Takács, University of Pécs, Hungary - Home of a Spirit and Spirit of a Home: Sándor Ferenczi and the Budapest School. - Discovering Sándor Ferenczi's last Residence