Bilateral Student Exchange Program with Partner Universities - 2025/2026 Autumn
General Information
Students can apply to one of the partner universities for the Autumn Semester of Academic Year 2025/26 or for the whole Academic Year 2025/26.
The exchange is enabled within the framework of the institutional bilateral agreements. After the finalization of the application and selection process, the selected candidates will be officially nominated by ELTE. Every nomination has to be subsequently approved by the partner (i.e. receiving) institution as well.
After having been informed about the approval of the partner institution, all selected students are strongly advised not only to rely on the general information provided by the ELTE International Strategy Office, but – as the rules might differ – also to consult the website of the receiving institution in order to educate themselves on further steps. In most cases, the nominated students are expected to apply at the receiving university as well.
Regarding to this, the International Strategy Office will inform the selected students who have successfully finished the application procedure.
Please be aware:
1) neither ELTE nor the partner institute can provide scholarship
2) students who are currently studying at ELTE with a Stipendium Hungarcium Scholarship cannot apply to this scholarship
Who is eligible to apply?
Full time Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD students of ELTE whose GPA is at least 3 on the 5 scale system of ELTE (corrected credit index has to be at least 3).
In the case of part-time students, please check the specific requirements of the student exchange programme at the website of the chosen university. Not all institutions accept this form of exchange hence in this case, part-time studens can not apply.
Partner universities to choose from
It is the sole responsibility of the applicants to choose a university that offers an appropriate level and field of study. Please, study thoroughly the website and the course list of the partner institutions prior to your application.
You can select only one institution.
How to apply?
The application should include:
- Filled online application form
- Transcript of Records (in English, issued by the Student Affairs and Registrar's Office) - uploaded in the online application form
- Motivation letter (1-2 pages, in English) - uploaded in the online application form
Please, be aware that incomplete or otherwise faulty applications can be excluded from the selection process without prior notice.
With filling the application form, the student accepts the Data Management Regulations (GDPR).
Erasmus+ Information
According to Erasmus+ rules, each student can be granted Erasmus status for a maximum of 12 months in total per level of education (part-time and professional training altogether, even if it is zero grant (label) mobility!). If the applicant has previously participated in an Erasmus part-time course and/or professional training at their current level of education but has not used the 12-month Erasmus timeframe, they can apply again. Master's or doctoral students who have already been Erasmus+ scholarship holders at their previous level(s) of training may also apply.
The purpose of the long-term study mobility is to complete one academic semester at a partner university or do thesis research. In case of BA/BSc and MA/MSc students, the mobility can only be realized if the sending institution accepts the exchange semester and it is included in the academic progress of the student – this is ensured by credit and grade conversion according to ELTE regulations or in a diploma supplement. For BA/BSc and MA/MSc students, the completion of a minimum of 20 ECTS credits is required. For PhD students completion of courses is not mandatory if the purpose of the mobility is doctoral research.
- Grant amount: EUR 700/month
- Travel support (one-time support, based on the distance between the headquarters of the sending and the host institutions, determined with the European Commission's calculator) as indicated here:
Distance | Travel support |
10-99 km | 23 € |
100-499 km | 180 € |
500-1999 km | 275 € |
2000-2999 km | 360 € |
3000-3999 km | 530 € |
4000-7999 km | 820 € |
over 8000 km | 1500 € |
- Additional support and green travel may be applicable, see more information here.
Obligations of the applicant
Students studying abroad under the Erasmus+ grant
- are active students who are also enrolled at home, and pay any tuition fees, and receive their regular scholarship for the duration of their stay abroad
- in case of semester-long-studies, students implement part of their domestic study obligations by studying abroad. The two cooperating departments agree before the student's trip about the courses to be taken at the foreign university. For BA/BSc and MA/MSc students, the completion of a minimum of 20 ECTS credits is required. The minimum number of credits or units to be completed beyond this at the partner institution for each degree programme will be determined by the course supervisor and published in the faculty/institution/departmental call.
- Students doing Erasmus+ studies/traineeships during their last semester: Mobility may last until the last day of the examination period in the last semester, but must be recognized by the university before graduation. It is the student's responsibility to initiate the recognition process.
Courses related to the major of the student are accepted based on the ELTE credit number, while other courses are evaluated through a separate procedure. For more information on credit recognition see our website.
Application deadline
9th February 2025
Important information
- After successful nomination managed by ELTE International Strategy Office, the selected candidate has to make an application process with the partner istitution. About the application procedure the partner university will inform the nominated student directly. (If there's a step in the application that ELTE should take, we will manage it helping our candidates.)
- The list of the partner universities includes the available field, level and period of study. Please visit the websites of the partner universities for more details.
- Please study carefully the language as well as the general requirements of the universities (e.g. some Asian universities accept only certain types and levels of language certificates and, in addition, they may require high GPA).
- Within the framework of the institutional bilateral agreements on student exchange programs, it is possible to apply to some European universities that are currently not listed in the attached file. If you are interested in studying at a European partner university, please contact us. However, in case of a European university, we primarily suggest the Erasmus+ program that provides scholarship.
- Students who currently have a passive student status are also allowed to submit this application. However, during the exchange semester they have to have an active status.
- Please, study the important information on Campus Mundi scholarship on ELTE’s website.
- According to the Operational Regulations of Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship (IV.9. Double Financing and other scholarships) scholarship holders are not eligible to apply.
Further information
Boglárka Békési
International Coordinator
On the Erasmus+ Grants:
Orsolya Bálint