
Applied human biology I

Type of instruction




Part of degree program


Recommended in

Semesters 1-4

Typically offered in

Autumn/Spring semester

Course description

1. Assessment of biological age I: growth standards: distance and velocity curves

2. Assessment of biological age II: growth standards: optional standards based on parental status, the child’s maturity status; standards for discrete variables

3. Assessment of biological age III: morphological age estimation – by using anthropometric variables and indices; final adult stature prognosis

4. Assessment of biological age IV: dental age assessment: eruption and mineralization age

5. Assessment of biological age V: bone age assessment: Tanner-Whitehouse II method based on the bone maturity of wrist and hand bones

6. Assessment of biological age VI: bone age assessment: Greulich-Pyle methods based on the wrist and hand bones’ maturity – by using „Sunlight, bone age” ultrasonic bone age assessment device

7. Assessment of biological age VII: physiological age assessment: menarche, spermarche, pubarche, telarche, voice braking, methods of data collection (visual and questionnaires technique, status quo, retrospective and longitudinal methods) and analysis in studies of sexual maturation

8. Assessment of pubertal status of sexual maturation I: events of normal sexual maturation, sequence and timing, Tanner stages of sexual maturation, Tanner stages of breast, genital development, stages of pubic hair, axillary hair, face and body hair development

9. Assessment of pubertal status of sexual maturation II: events of normal sexual maturation, sequence and timing, Tanner stages of sexual maturation, Tanner stages of breast, genital development, stages of pubic hair, axillary hair, face and body hair development

10. Body shape assessment I: Heath-Carter anthropometric method of somatotyping

11. Body shape assessment II: Conrad growth type method

12. Assessment of body composition I: direct and indirect methods of body composition assessment, methods of two- and four-components, body composition assessment by using anthropometric measurements

13. Assessment of body composition II: bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA method)

14. Assessment of body composition III: bone density assessment by DTU-one ultrasonic method

  • Steven Heymsfield: Human Body Composition, Human Kinetics, 2005, ISBN 9780736046558

  • Davies, P.S.W., Cole, T.J. (1995) Body composition techniques in health and disease. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

  • Carter, J.E.L., Heath, B.H. (1990). Somatotyping - Development and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Conrad, K. (1963) Der Konstitutionstypus. 2. Auflage. Berlin, Springer.