Plant Cell and Tissue Culturing I
Semesters 1-4
Autumn/Spring semester
1.) Introduction, history of tissue culture techniques and results, terminology
2.) Characterisation of components of tissue culture media, sterilization methods
3.) Callus and cell suspension cultires (inducing, characterisation, use possibilities)
4.) Cell fermantation, bioreactor types, fermentation methods, possible enhancement of secondary metabolite production by plant cells
5.) Somatic embryogenesis, comparison with zygotic embryogenesis, synthetic seed
6.) Techniques of androgenesis , DH (doubled haploid) plants
7.) Plant regeneration via organogenesis
8.) Gynogenesis, generative organ cultures, embryo cultures
9.) Micropropagation, rooting, acclimatization, virus elimination methods, gene bank, kryopreservation
10.) Protoplast; isolation, protoplast fusion methods,
11.) Other use of protoplasts (electroporation, micromanipulation, liposome technique)
12.) Biolistic method, gene gun
13.) Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer, steps, proving, selection systems
14.) Strategies for creation of genetically modified plants (GMO), first-, second-, third generation transgenic plants, ethic problems
Roberta H. Smith: Plant Tissue Culture: Techniques and Experiments, Academic Press, 2006
Victor M. Loyola-Vargas, Felipe Vázquez-Flota: Plant Cell Culture Protocols, Springer Science & Business Media, 2006