
Phylogenetic Systematics of Fungi

Type of instruction




Part of degree program


Recommended in

Semesters 1-4

Typically offered in

Autumn/Spring semester

Course description

1. Introduction Fungal organisms and the kingdom of Fungi. Taxonomy and systematics of the fungi – a historical overview. The main rules of fungal nomenclature. Types, priority, validity. Important fungal collections.

2. Species concept, speciation and evolution of the fungi. Morphological, biological and phylogenetic species concept and recognition. Gene genealogies. Morphology – good and bad characters. Speciation of fungi. Main phylogenetic lineages of the real fungi.

3. Acrasiomycota, Dictiosteliomycota, Myxomycota, Plasmodiphoromycota

4. Fungi of the regnum Chromista Hyphochytridiomycota, Labyrinthomycota, Oomycota

5. Real fungi (Fungi) – basal groups General characteristics. Main groups of real fungi. The basal groups: Microsporidia, Blastocladia, Chytridiomycota.

6. The phylla Zygomycota and Glomeromycota

8. Ascomycota I. “Ascomycetous yeasts”, Plectomycetes

9. Ascomycota II. Pyrenomycetes, Loculoascomycetes

10. Ascomycota III. Discomycetes, Anamorphic fungi.

11. Basidiomycota I. “Basidiomycetous yeasts”, „rust fungi”

12. Basidiomycota II. “Smut fungi”

13. Basidiomycota III. Heterobasidiomycetes, Homobasidiomycetes: Polyporoid, thelephoroid, Hymenochaetoid lineages

14. Basidiomycota IV. Agaricoid, boletoid, russuloid and gomphoid-phalloid lineages.

15. The novell results and main trends in the research of fungal phylogenetics and evolution The results of the main international cooperative projects (AFTOL, Deep Hypha). Comparative genomics, phylogenomics.

  • McLaughlin, DJ, McLaughlin, EG, Lemke, PA (szerk) 2001. The Mycota VIIA,B. Systematics and Evolution. Springer
    Scientific homepages on fungal systematics