Methods of Protein Crystallography
Semesters 1-4
Autumn/Spring semester
Introduction to X-ray diffraction, the methods of structure determination of biological macromolecules. A practical approach.
1. Theoretical background, possible implications and limitations;
2. The electron density function and the structure factor. (Diffraction of X-rays on a crystal lattice; The crystallographic phase problem; Symmetry);
3. Crystallization and data collection strategies;
4. Solving the phase problem (The Patterson function; Molecular replacement; Isomorphous replacement methods; Use of anomalous dispersion);
5. From electron density maps to 2D structure of the molecule: model building and refinement. (The model bias);
6. Validation of the refined model;
7. New directions and challenges in protein crystallography (Structural genomics; Large structures and poor crystals);
8.Applications in drug discovery (Structure based and fragment based drug design);
9. Mebmrane proteins;
10. A molecular movie: time resolved crystallography
Gale Rhodes: "Crystallography Made Crystal Clear; A Guide for Users of Macromolecular Models", Academic Press 2006
Blow, David „Outline of Crystallography for Biologists”, Oxford University Press 2002
Drenth, Jan „Principles of Protein X-Ray Crystallography” Springer 1999