
Ionizing radiation in the human environment, their biological and potential health effects

Type of instruction






Recommended in

Semesters 1-4

Typically offered in

Autumn/Spring semester

Course description

There are natural and man-made sources of ionizing radiation in the human environment. These affect populations groups in different manner depending on life style, conditions at work and other factors. During the study of environmental sciences, exposure of people to ionizing radiation may represent an individual agent on one hand, and also a factor of combined environmental effects, on the other hand.
Types of radiation, basic dosimetry terminology, sources and levels of environmental radiation exposure to human, deterministic and stochastic biological effects and health consequences of exposure to ionizing radiation, as well as basic principles of radiation protection and radiohygiene will be presented during the course. Environmental and health consequences of most severe nuclear accidents will be discussed and assessed. Monitoring of radioactive materials in the environment and human body, methods of their assessment and consequences for the health will also be added to the teaching material based on case reports, international databases and recommendations.
