International conventions on environmental protection and nature conservation
Semesters 1-4
Autumn/Spring semester
The international conventions were elaborated on those environmental problems which had been identified by the research community by means of environmental observations, analytic methods and models, and which could only be solved by the commitments of all those countries that were responsible for those problems and/or suffered from their adverse impacts. The subjects of the multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) cover almost all components of the global environment and their large-scale processes. The lectures of this course demonstrate the essence of the most important agreements on environmental elements (atmosphere, transboundary water bodies, biosphere etc.), on human activities influencing the environment and their impacts (through the emission of pollutants, chemicals released to the environment, use of natural resources, industrial accidents etc.) Moreover, the interrelations of the MEAs will also be presented (incl. the linkages between their subject areas, objectives, commitments and implementation). More details can be provided on those agreements, which closely related to the research topics of the students who registered for this course.
Themes of the lectures: History (evolvement of the MEAs); Negotiations (elaboration, adoption); Interrelations (subjects, interlinkages of the MEAs); Atmosphere (agreements on air pollution); Climate (agreements on climate change); Water bodies (MEAs on water bodies, transboundary watercourses); Areas (agreements on certain geographical regions); Biosphere (agreements on nature conservation); Activities (agreements on human activities with dangerous environmental effects); Waste (agreements on waste); Mercury (uses, harmful effects of mercury and the international convention); Europe (participation of the EU and its Member States in the elaboration and implementation of the MEAs).
A nemzetközi egyezmények, megállapodások hivatalos honlapja:
Nemzetközi környezet- és természetvédelmi egyezmények jóváhagyása és végrehajtása Magyarországon. KvVM - ELTE, 180 o. (2005)
Faragó T., 2006: The history, negotiations and general features of the agreements. In: Multilateral environmental agreements .. MEW, 3-8.
Faragó T., 2016: A párizsi klímatárgyalások eredményei. Magyar Energetika, 1. szám, 8-12. o.
Faragó T., 2015: A folyékony ezüst tündöklése és bukása. Magyar Kémikusok Lapja. 70:1 (1. rész), 11-14. o.; 70:2 (2. rész) 43-47. o.
Faragó T., 2013: A globálisan növekvő hulladékmennyiség és a kezelésére irányuló nemzetközi törekvések. Ipari Ökológia, 2:1, 43-76. o.
Faragó T.; Schmuck E., (szerk.) 2012: A biológiai sokféleség megőrzése. Magyar Természetvédők Szövetsége. 47 o.
Faragó T.; Kerényi A.; Csóka P.; Csorba P.; Fazekas I.; Mátyás Cs.; Szabó Gy., 2004: Globális környezeti problémák és a riói megállapodások végrehajtásának helyzete. KvVM és Debreceni Egyetem, 166 o.