Human emotions and artistic expression in the age of AI (exhibition, open discussion and movie afternoon) registration // CHARM-EU Cultural Festival 2024

EN Who are we, what connects us, how do we express our emotions in the age of AI? The unique event includes an exhibition opening, an interactive discussion and a movie afternoon dedicated to the artistic depiction of human emotions. The exhibition entitled „Tears of a machine” by Tuğberk Sev (psychologist and PhD candidate at the ELTE Faculty of Education & Psychology) focuses on the above topic through the use of artificial intelligence in creating his artworks. Participants at the event are invited to join an open discussion about the use of AI in artistic expression and can also enjoy a Hungarian movie masterpiece with English subtitles. Snack and refreshments guaranteed, the entry is free – looking forward to meet you there!

HU Kik vagyunk, mi köt össze minket, hogyan fejezzük ki érzelmeinket a mesterséges intelligencia korában? Az egyedülálló eseményen kiállításmegnyitó, interaktív beszélgetés és filmvetítés várja az érdeklődőket. Tuğberk Sev (pszichológus, az ELTE Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Karának doktorjelöltje) „tears of a machine” című kiállítása a fenti témákat állítja középpontba. A kapcsolódó kerekasztalbeszélgetésen a mesterséges intelligencia művészi kifejezésben való felhasználásáról lesz szó, valamint a résztvevők egy releváns hazai filmalkotást is megtekinthetnek angol felirattal. A szervezők frissítőkkel is készülnek, a rendezvény ingyenes
Location: BoYL Community Space of the ELTE University Library (1053 Budapest, Ferenciek tere 6.).
Date: TUESDAY, 5th of November, 15:00-18:00
Language: English
This is a programme open to a limited number of participants, if you have registered but cannot join, please send an email to to cancel your registration so we can provide space to others who would like to join.
The programme is organised as part of the CHARM-EU Cultural Festival 2024. Please join the Facebook-page of the event for more information on the full festival programme.



I hereby declare my agreement that the event will be recorded and pictures may be taken by the Eötvös Loránd University and CHARM-EU in the course of the event (5-6 November 2024). The above mentioned institutions are granted the right to store these pictures for an unlimited time either themselves or throught third parties in modified and unmodified form, individually or together with other pictures, in film, photographic and printed form (particlarly in publications), on data carriers such as USB, DERIVE, DVD and CD, as well as on webpages and social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Intagram and/or LinkedIn, and to copy, publish and distribute them for an unlimited time and use them for public and press relations.  For the use of the videos and pictures as specified above no remuneration is to be paid to me by Eötvös Loránd University and CHARM-EU.


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