
Grassland ecology

Type of instruction






Recommended in

Semesters 1-4

Typically offered in

Autumn/Spring semester

Course description

The distribution of grassland vegetation on the Earth. Major grassland biomes: savanna, llanos, cerrado, pampa, campos, prairie, steppe, grassveld. Grassland vegetation in Hungary. The grasses (Poaceae) as the most important constituents of grasslands: evolution and diversity. Which traits of grasses made these plants the dominant components of grasslands? Other important grassland plants (Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Fabaceae), their special ecological role, functional groups. The climatic determination of grasslands: precipitation and temperature, the role of the amount, timing and predictability of precipitation. Temporary droughts, temperature seasonality: the role of contrasting seasons. Grassland-soil relationships, the physical, chemical and biological properties of grassland soils. Soil water relations in grasslands as prime factors in modification of climatic influences on grasslands.
Plant-fungus interactions in grasslands: fungal endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizae. General and specific effects of herbivores in grasslands: biomass consumption, selective grazing; the coevolution of large herbivores and grasslands (and grasses). Trampling, fuel removal, creation of new microhabitats, alteration of soil mineral nutrient turnover: the acceleration of cycles. Specific effects of invertebrate herbivores in grasslands. Spatial distribution of mineral nutrients in grassland soil. Specialization of grass roots for the uptake of nutrients. The role of legumes in grasslands: fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. Mineral-nutrient-rich islands under shrubs and trees in grasslands. Relationship between nutrient supply and species richness in grasslands. Influence of disturbance on grassland mineral nutrition. Role of fire in shaping grasslands, differences between grassland and forest fires. The effect of fires on the species composition, mineral nutrition, microclimate and water relations of grasslands. Phytomass and its production in grasslands: global data and values for Hungary. Vegetation dynamics and global change effects in grasslands. Invasive plant species in grasslands. Nature conservation and restoration of seminatural grasslands.

  • Collins, S.L.; Knapp, A.K.; Hartnett, D.C. & Briggs, J.M. (1998): The dynamic tallgrass prairie. Synthesis and research opportunities. In: Knapp, A., Briggs, J.M., Hartnett, D.C. & Collins, S.L. (eds.): Grassland dynamics. Long-term ecological research in tallgrass prairie. Oxford University Press, New York, pp.301-315.

  • Figeczky, G. (szerk.) (2004): A legeltetéses állattartás szerepe és helyzete napjainkban. WWF-füzetek 24. WWF Magyarország, Budapest.

  • Illyés E. & Bölöni J.(szerk.) 2007: Lejtősztyepek, löszgyepek és erdősztyeprétek Magyarországon. Budapest. 236p.

  • Kelemen J. (szerk.) 1997: Irányelvek a füves területek természetvédelmi szempontú kezeléséhez. Természetbúvár Alapítvány Kiadó, Budapest.

  • Molnár Zs. & Kun A. (szerk.) (2000): Alföldi erdőssztyepp-maradványok Magyarországon. WWF füzetek 15. WWF Magyarország, Budapest.

  • Pannon gyepek élőhely kezelése Magyarországon. Magyar Madártani Egyesület - Természetvédelmi Tanácsadó Szolgálat.

  • Rév, Sz., Marticsek, J. and Fülöp, Gy. (2008) Természetvédelmi szempontú gyephasznosítás. Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park, Budapest.

  • Scholes, R.J. & Archer, S.R. (1997): Tree-grass interactions in savannas. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 28: 517-544.

  • Varga, Z. (1998): Steppe-like grasslands in Hungary: Conservation and sustainable use. In: Nagy, G. (ed.): Ecological Aspects of Grassland Management, Grassland Science in Europe, Vol.1. Proceedings of the 17th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Debrecen, Hungary. Debrecen, pp. 299-311.

  • Viszló, L. (2007) A természetkímélő kaszálás gyakorlata. ProVértes Közalapítvány.