
Design of Experiments

Type of instruction




Part of degree program


Recommended in

Semester 2

Typically offered in

Spring semester

Course description

I. Guideline for diploma workers 1. Necessary steps 2. How it looks: content of a sample diploma 3. task: compare 10 by 10 student research report and diploma dissertation: similarities and differencies

II. What does it mean doing research? 1. Study, experimentation, research 2. Student research as a tool to achieve and demonstate competencies achieved 3. How to report your results

III. How to collect research papers as references 1. sources of information 2. Electronic databases 3. Using Google Scholar for literature mining 4. task: Find 5 relevant papers for your topic, arrange them alphabetically

IV. How to choose a topic for research 1. Common mistakes: the shy and the sky 2. task: write an intro to the topic based on the references collected

V. Planning 1. Why it is necessary? 2. Main steps in doing research 3. Landmarks 4. task: construct your timetable

VI. Execution 1. Pitfalls to avoid 2. Problems to cope with 3. Problems to live with 4. How to work together with your supervisor 5. Positive attitude: surviving the bad periods...

VII. The process of scientific analysis 1. Analytical versus experimental approach 2. Research never ends: learning as a cyclic process 3. Question-hipotheses-predictions-tests 4. Metodology: accuracy versus reliability 5. Sampling 6. Data collection for excluding instead of proving some of the hypotheses

VIII. Data analysis Types of data: nominal, ordinal, intervall or ratio. Average, mean, median. Variation, data distribution. Population and a representative sample. Sample size, degree of freedom, statistical inference. Power analysis. Hipothesis testing: t-test, F-test, aalysis of variance. Linear regression and correlation. Pseudoreplication. Causal relationship. Nonparametric tests.

IX. Statistical programs for everyday use 1. BIOMLAB, Excel, Instat, SPSS or Statistica: which one for what problem? 2. task: analyse your own data with X2, T and Man Whitney U tests X. How to get support 1. What costs do you need to cover your study 2. Resources available 3. task: find a grant suitable to your needs on the net.

XI. How to write a grant application 1. Write your CV, Letter of recommendation 2. Construct your study plan 3. task: submit your full application

XII. How to present your data and results? 1. Structure of a memorable talk 2. Use and misuse of illustrations 3. Basics of media: slides, video, Powerpoint

XIII. Construct your research plan Short (1 min) then 5 min exposure of main points of interests

XIV. Evaluation of research plans report your hypotheses to be tested and the useful methods analysing your subject. Timetable of main steps. (10 min). Answer questions (5 min). Common discussion.

  • Bateson, PPG, Martin, P. Measuring behaviour 2nd edition Cambridge University Press1999