Behavioural Ecology
Semesters 1-4
Autumn/Spring semester
A practical covering four full days. The aim is to introduce the basic concepts and methodology used in most behavioural studies. Each half day starts with a discussion of ground information (4 x 2 hours, read the material provided beforehand). Then data collection in pairs (4 x 6 hours). Analyse your data individually (4 x 3 hours), Make a report from one of the topics at home (16 óra).
There are four practicals to choose from the list below. Each has a detailed description, data sheets and basic literature provided a/ how to prove human sexual dimorphism with anatomical and behavioural data b/ how to approach spatial variation in animals: a hypothetical flight to Hawaii c/ capture-mark-recapture: possibilities and constraints d/ risk sensitive vigilance in humans and its dependence on group size e/ optimal foraging: food choice when two kinds of prey differing in density and value f/ radiotelemetry: a comparison of triangling and hand localization.
Write a report of 10 pages (homework) a/ Analyse data gathered by all pairs of students b/ Create figures and add statistical results c/ Write an introduction part from the material provided by teacher d/ Collect additional literature (min 5 items) from the web using e/ Write a discussion comparing your results with other students and those in the references f/ Add an alphabetical list of literature used
Krebs J. R. and Davies N. B. 1993 An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology Blackwell Science
Bateson, PPG, Martin, P. 1999 Measuring behaviour 2nd edition Cambridge University Press
White, G.C., Garrott, R.A. 1990. Analysis of wildlife tracking data. Academic Press, New York.