Erasmus+ student mobility
Erasmus+ incoming student mobility

Please note that this website is being updated.
Erasmus+ program is the largest exchange student program in the EU. Erasmus students can apply for study and traineeship to 32 countries of Europe and spend a maximum of 12 months abroad per each cycle of study: they spend 3-12 months abroad as a student at a host university or spend 2-12 months as a professional trainee at a private or public organization active in the labour market.
Additional grants are available for students with disabilities.
Being awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (2014-2020, 2021-2027) ELTE actively participates in the Erasmus+ program and holds 1200 Erasmus+ agreements with Erasmus partner institutions.
Benefits for Erasmus students
- Students get the same right as of the host university’s students.
- Students will not be charged tuition fees.
- Courses successfully completed at the host university are recognized at the home university of the Erasmus students on their return.
Who are eligible to apply?
- Students must carry out their mobility activity in a Programme Country different from the country of the sending organisation and the country where the student has his/her accommodation during his/her studies.
- Students registered in a higher education institution and enrolled in studies leading to a recognized degree.
- In case of mobility in studies, students must be enrolled at least in the second year of higher education studies. For traineeships, this condition does not apply.
- Students in their last year of studies may participate in a traineeship. They must be selected by their institution during the last year of their studies and must carry out and complete their traineeship abroad within one year after their graduation.
How to apply?
- Ask the international office of your university if your university has an Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement with ELTE.
- If there is an agreement between the two universities, also ask the Erasmus coordinator at your university about deadlines and the selection procedure at your university.
- If you are selected, your Erasmus coordinator sends a nomination to the Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator of ELTE (Katalin Anna Németh: or directly to the relevant Faculty Erasmus Coordinator at ELTE. Please note: the Faculty of Humanities accepts only ONLINE nominations via this link.
- Your nomination is forwarded to the relevant faculty/institute/department for final decision.
- The relevant faculty/institute/department decides about your acceptance.
- The relevant Faculty Erasmus coordinator at ELTE contacts your Erasmus coordinator at your home university.
- After accepting you as an Erasmus student, you will be informed by the ELTE Faculty Erasmus coordinator about the registration process, deadlines and required documents.
Nomination deadlines
For Autumn semester: 10 May
For Spring semester: 10 November
Application deadlines
For Autumn semester: 30 May
For Spring semester: 30 November
You can find the list of the courses offered to exchange students in English here.
Also read practical information for international students.
Special needs support
If you are a student with special needs (in such an individual physical, mental or health-related situation that your participation in the mobility would not be possible without extra financial support), you can apply for additional grant support to the National Agency in your country in order to cover the supplementary costs for your participation in the mobility activities.
As regards the accompanying persons for students with special needs, they are entitled to receive a contribution based on real cost.
Please ask your Erasmus coordinator at your home university how you can request such additional support at the National Agency in your country.
For ELTE students
If you are a full-time international student already enrolled for a full-degree program at ELTE and would like to study as an Erasmus student at one of our Erasmus partner universities, read about the application procedures and contact your Faculty Erasmus Coordinator for additional details. More information about the Erasmus student mobility is also available in Hungarian.
Calls are published on the university website around February each academic year.
More information
Ms Katalin Anna NÉMETH
Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator
T: +36-1-411-6500/2170 ext.
Erasmus+ credit mobility
If you are an institution interested in cooperating with ELTE within Erasmus+ credit mobility, please contact us:
Erasmus flyer of Eötvös Loránd University
Study mobility on the official website of the European Commission
Traineeship on the official website of the European Commission
Meet Erasmus students