Travel Grant

Travel Grant

Travel Grant
Call for applications by the Talent Support Council of Eötvös Loránd University. Application for supporting active participation in national and international online or in-person academic competitions, conferences and workshops or short research trips.



  • Please note that applications do not have any phase for correction. We can only make decisions about applications that has all neccesary documents. Otherwise the appllication will be sent back to the student and have to be submitted again next month.
  • The maximum amount of grant that applicants shall receive has been reduced to HUF 120.000, one applicant may apply for a maximum of HUF 240.000 over the course of one academic year. 
  • Students who already have some student research and/or competition results will be given preference in the evalution process and may receive more funding. 
  • Students who apply without such research or competition results will be eligible for a reduced grant. The exact amount of the grant will always depend on the number of application received in a given month. 


  • You can submit your application via Márton Áron Űrlapok website (after registration). You will find a direkt link to the application form for the relevant academic year in the Call for applicaition.
  • There is an important between the saved (mentett) and submitted (beküldött) status:
    1. In its saved status, the interface only saves the data already entered, which can be edited, completed or modified later. In this state, your application is not yet ready ad will not be evaluated. 
    2. In order to be evaluated by the Committee, the application must be a submitted status. Clicking on the 'Preview before submission' ("Előnézet beküldés előtt") button in the application interface will allow the system to check that the form is complete and then allow submission. An automatic confirmation e-mail will be sent to the applicant upon succesful submission. 
  • Students must have an active student status with Eötvös Loránd University at the time of submission of the application as well at the time of travel indicated in the application and also the compilation of the trip report. 


  • In the case of a successful application, the applicant will always receive e-mail notification of the grant and the exact amount awarded. A futher e-mail will be sent with details of the contract.
  • If the submitted application is not accepted for formal or other reasons, you will also receive an e-mail notification (support has not given).
  • Always wait for the above notification and only after it send your electronically signed contract to by the deadline indicated in the e-mail.
  • If the applicant does not send the authorized contract by the deadline, they will not be included in the monthly payment list (= payment will be delayed).
  • The contract form is also on the Márton Áron Űrlapok website, but you can find the direct link in the notification e-mail.
  • By signing the support contract, the applicant agrees to compile a trip report within 15 days following the final day of the event in question in PDF format which they shall submit to the Talent Support Council via e-mail at
  • The trip report will consist of an individual, written professional report at a length of 2,000-4,000 characters to which the recipient may attach photos or a short video) and must include an official certificate from the organisers or the recipient’s topic supervisor verifying their participation in the event.
  • The accompanying instructor is also required to submit a trip report.
  • In the case of a group trip of an academic competition, the trip reports must be submitted individually by the group members (accompanying instructors too).


  • In the case of a conference only active participation (oral or poster presentation) is supported (just attending alone is not).
  • An invoice issued in the name of ELTE is not required either for the application or the trip report.
  • Applications can be submitted continuously until the announced deadline (or until withdrawal), but it is advisable to do so by the 15th of the month, as this will allow them to be included in the monthly evaluation.
  • Applications submitted by the 15th day of the month will be assessed by the end of the given month. The applications are assessed by a committee comprising members of the Talent Support Council.
  • Until 15 February 2025, it is possible to apply retroactively for events that took place between 1 November 2024 and 31 January 2025 and happening after 1 February 2025. From 1 March 2025 we only accept applications strictly for future events (i.e. you must apply before the event).
  • It is possible to withdraw from the application either before or after the grant has been awarded:
    • In this case, you should write to and indicate your withdrawal
    • If the scholarship has not been disbursed yet, there is nothing else to do,
    • if the scholarship has been disbursed, the recipient shall be required the repay the subsidy by complying with a payment obligation issued via the NEPTUN System.