Call for applications: Erasmus+ scholarship for participation in Blended Intensive Programmes

Eötvös Loránd University now accepts applications from students who would like to participate in an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in the spring term of the academic year 2024/2025 and the fall term of the academic year 2025/2026 .

The aim of the call

The BIP is a learning mobility programme for students, consisting of a physical and a virtual part, involving at least 3 higher education institutions from 3 different countries.

The duration of the physical mobility component is min. 5, max. 30 days, depending on the programme. The physical part takes place in the country of the host institution, according to the information published by the organiser.

The virtual part is a compulsory component of the BIP. It can take the form of online cooperative learning or group work, where participants work together on their tasks in the virtual space at the same time.

Participating students are obligated to complete the minimum number of credits and other conditions set by the sending university or by faculty/department or in lack of such rule at least 3 ECTS during the programme.

In the current call students can apply for activities completed by 31 January 2026.

Who can apply?


  • who have student status at Eötvös Loránd University at the time of the application;
  • with Hungarian nationality or registration of permanent residence permit or residence permit
  • in case of studying in a bachelor (BA) or one-cycle studies: already have at least 1 closed semester;
  • with active student status at Eötvös Loránd University in the semester of the planned mobility;
  • who meet the criteria of the faculty’s published call

can apply for participating in an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme.

The current list and application deadline of available BIPs is available here.
For more information, please contact the academic coordinator responsible for the programme, as indicated in the programme list.

Application process

The application must be submitted to the Faculty international coordinator according to the faculty regulations by the deadline specified in this call or the different deadline set by the faculty/department responsible for the programme (website, faculty’s published call, etc.).
Attention! The application deadline varies by programme, the current deadline can be found in the list of the BIPs, please read it carefully.

Required documents for the application:

(The list informative only. Please contact your Faculty international coordinator for the required documents to your application).

  • Application form (filled out electronically and signed/authenticated) download here
  • Motivation letter and work plan
  • CV
  • Academic results of previous semesters printed from Neptun
  • for non-Hungarian students: copy of the registration of permanent residence permit or the copy of the residence permit or the copy of the refugee status
  • Optional: certificate of active participation in the Student Union or any other organization (HÖK, ESN, OTDK stb.)
  • For students applying to North-Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey: Consent to data transfer to third country

For more information about the application process contact

If there are specific requirements at your faculty, please address and take them into consideration when applying.


Scholarship rates

Duration of physical mobility

Daily grant (all programme or partner country)

5 – 14 day

79,00 € / day

15 – 30 day

56,00 € / day

An additional 1-1 travel day may be granted before and after the mobility.

Please note that the Erasmus grant can only be paid for the physical part of the mobility.

Mobility participants also receive a travel support based on the distance between the sending and host institutions. The travel support is a one-time support, calculated on the basis of the air distance between the headquarters of the sending and the host institutions (city) by using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission.




10–99 km

28 €

56 €

100–499 km

211 €

285 €

500–1999 km

309 €

417 €

2000–2999 km

395 €

535 €

3000–3999 km

580 €

785 €

4000–7999 km

1188 €

1188 €

8000 km-től

1735 €

1735 €

We would like to call the students’ attention that the financial support does not cover all the costs that arise during their stay abroad, it must be covered - sometimes with pre-financing - from other sources.

Additional financial support options

  • Additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities:
    Students eligible for the grant can receive top-up support of €100 in one amount for physical mobilities up to 14 days, and €150 for physical mobilities between 15 and 30 days. Students applying for the additional support may apply for Additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses at the same time (if eligible).
  • Additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses:
    For short-term student mobility, the support is a one-off amount of €100 (for mobility of 1-14 days) or €150 (for mobility of 15-30 days).
  • Additional support for green travel:
    Green travel (confirmed sustainable means of transport) is defined as the travel that uses low-emissions means of transport, such as bus, train, car-pooling or bike. Flights and boat trips are not considered green. Travelling by car is only eligible for additional support in the case of car-sharing (regardless of whether it is a vehicle powered by traditional fuel or an electric car, e.g. car-sharing service or at least two Erasmus+ scholarship holders travel in one car together, etc. is accepted).
For detailed conditions please see Additional supports for Erasmus+ mobility.

Evaluation of the applications

Submitted applications are evaluated by a professional board, stood up by the Insitute/Department. The evaluation criteria are published in the faculty call.
The student might be required to participate at a personal interview after receiving the written evaluation.

General criteria of the evaluation (the list is not in a priority order, there might be other aspects as well according to differing Faculty regulations):

  • Language proficiency at the study field,
  • Academic achievement,
  • Professional awareness,
  • Academic excellence or other significant professional achievement,
  • Participation in Student Union activities or others at related organizations,
  • Participation in a Student Mentor/Buddy System, supporting students.

Those students who have never participated in the Erasmus+ Programme have priority during the evaluation process, however, we strongly encourage the re-application of former Erasmus + students too.

Based on the above points, the Institutes/Departments propose the applicants who are eligible for participating in the Blended Intensive Programme to the Faculty Erasmus Board and nominate students for the Erasmus+ Scholarship.

The list of the accepted students will be approved by the Students and Staff Mobility Committee within approximately one month of the application deadline. Supported students will be informed by e-mail no later than 1 week after the Committee’s decision.

Practical matters regarding studies

Succesful applicants must register in the Electronic Registration System for the course offered for the Blended Intensive Programme in the course registration (subject registration) period. Your Faculty international coordinator will assist you in this matter.

For the winning applicants to be able to justify their absence during the mobility period, they may need to submit a request for a uniquely tailored study arrangement. In the request, students shall provide information on the decision of their scholarship (e.g. attaching the relevant e-mail notification) and the mobility’s starting and ending dates. With the decision received, the student can justify their absence from the other enrolled courses during the physical part of the mobility.


European Commission
Tempus Public Foundation

Call for Applications for the fall term of the Academic Year 2024/2025

Eötvös Loránd University now accepts applications from students who would like to participate in an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in the fall term of the academic year 2024/2025 .

The aim of the call

The BIP is a learning mobility programme for students, consisting of a physical and a virtual part, involving at least 3 higher education institutions from 3 different countries.

The duration of the physical mobility component is min. 5, max. 30 days, depending on the programme. The physical part takes place in the country of the host institution, according to the information published by the organiser.

The virtual part is a compulsory component of the BIP. It can take the form of online cooperative learning or group work, where participants work together on their tasks in the virtual space at the same time.

Participating students are obligated to complete the minimum number of credits and other conditions set by the sending university or by faculty/department or in lack of such rule at least 3 ECTS during the programme.

In the current call students can apply for activities completed by 31 January 2025.

Who can apply?


  • who have student status at Eötvös Loránd University at the time of the application;
  • with Hungarian nationality or registration of permanent residence permit or residence permit
  • in case of studying in a bachelor (BA) or one-cycle studies: already have at least 1 closed semester;
  • with active student status at Eötvös Loránd University in the semester of the planned mobility;
  • who meet the criteria of the faculty’s published call

can apply for participating in an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme.

The current list and application deadline of available BIPs is available here.
For more information, please contact the academic coordinator responsible for the programme, as indicated in the programme list.

Application process

The application must be submitted to the Faculty international coordinator according to the faculty regulations by the deadline specified in this call or the different deadline set by the faculty/department responsible for the programme (website, faculty’s published call, etc.).
Attention! The application deadline varies by programme, the current deadline can be found in the list of the BIPs, please read it carefully.

Required documents for the application:

(The list informative only. Please contact your Faculty international coordinator for the required documents to your application).

  • Application form (filled out electronically and signed/authenticated) download here
  • Motivation letter and work plan
  • CV
  • Academic results of previous semesters printed from Neptun
  • for non-Hungarian students: copy of the registration of permanent residence permit or the copy of the residence permit or the copy of the refugee status
  • Optional: certificate of active participation in the Student Union or any other organization (HÖK, ESN, OTDK stb.)
  • For students applying to North-Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey: Consent to data transfer to third country

For more information about the application process contact

If there are specific requirements at your faculty, please address and take them into consideration when applying.


Scholarship rates

Duration of physical mobility

Daily grant (all programme or partner country)

5 – 14 day

79,00 € / day

15 – 30 day

56,00 € / day

An additional 1-1 travel day may be granted before and after the mobility.

Please note that the Erasmus grant can only be paid for the physical part of the mobility.

Those entitled to it can also apply for additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities according to a separate call for application, and in the case of confirmed green travel, they may receive additional support for green travel (confirmed sustainable means of transport) as well (see Additional financial support options).

Those awarded with additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities can also receive travel support based on the distance travelled. The travel support is a one-time support, calculated on the basis of the air distance between the headquarters of the sending and the host institutions (city) by using the distance calculator supported by the European Commission.



10–99 km

23,00 €

100–499 km

180,00 €

500–1999 km

275,00 €

2000–2999 km

360,00 €

3000–3999 km

530,00 €

4000–7999 km

820,00 €

8000 km-től

1500,00 €

We would like to call the students’ attention that the financial support does not cover all the costs that arise during their stay abroad, it must be covered - sometimes with pre-financing - from other sources.

Additional financial support options

  • Additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities:
    Students eligible for the grant can receive top-up support of €100 in one amount for physical mobilities up to 14 days, and €150 for physical mobilities between 15 and 30 days. Students applying for the additional support may apply for Additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses at the same time (if eligible).
  • Additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses:
    For short-term student mobility, the support is a one-off amount of €100 (for mobility of 1-14 days) or €150 (for mobility of 15-30 days).
  • Additional support for green travel:
    From the academic year 2022/23 for confirmed green travel, students may receive additional support for green travel (confirmed sustainable means of transport), which is defined as the travel that uses low-emissions means of transport for the main part of the travel (between the sending and host or its neighbouring countries), such as bus, train car-pooling or bike. Flights and boat trips are not considered green. The amount of the grant: a single contribution of €50 (only for green travel in both directions) and an additional grant for 1-1 travel days before and after the mobility.
For detailed conditions please see Additional supports for Erasmus+ mobility.

Evaluation of the applications

Submitted applications are evaluated by a professional board, stood up by the Insitute/Department. The evaluation criteria are published in the faculty call.
The student might be required to participate at a personal interview after receiving the written evaluation.

General criteria of the evaluation (the list is not in a priority order, there might be other aspects as well according to differing Faculty regulations):

  • Language proficiency at the study field,
  • Academic achievement,
  • Professional awareness,
  • Academic excellence or other significant professional achievement,
  • Participation in Student Union activities or others at related organizations,
  • Participation in a Student Mentor/Buddy System, supporting students.

Those students who have never participated in the Erasmus+ Programme have priority during the evaluation process, however, we strongly encourage the re-application of former Erasmus + students too.

Based on the above points, the Institutes/Departments propose the applicants who are eligible for participating in the Blended Intensive Programme to the Faculty Erasmus Board and nominate students for the Erasmus+ Scholarship.

The list of the accepted students will be approved by the Students and Staff Mobility Committee within approximately one month of the application deadline. Supported students will be informed by e-mail no later than 1 week after the Committee’s decision.

Practical matters regarding studies

Succesful applicants must register in the Electronic Registration System for the course offered for the Blended Intensive Programme in the course registration (subject registration) period. Your Faculty international coordinator will assist you in this matter.

For the winning applicants to be able to justify their absence during the mobility period, they may need to submit a request for a uniquely tailored study arrangement. In the request, students shall provide information on the decision of their scholarship (e.g. attaching the relevant e-mail notification) and the mobility’s starting and ending dates. With the decision received, the student can justify their absence from the other enrolled courses during the physical part of the mobility.


European Commission
Tempus Public Foundation

Call for Applications for the Academic Year 2023/2024

Eötvös Loránd University now accepts applications from students who would like to participate in an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in the 2023/2024 Academic Year.

The aim of the call

The BIP is a learning mobility programme for students, consisting of a physical and a virtual part, involving at least 3 higher education institutions from 3 different countries.

The duration of the physical mobility component is min. 5, max. 30 days, depending on the programme. The physical part takes place in the country of the host institution, according to the information published by the organiser.

The virtual part is a compulsory component of the BIP. It can take the form of online cooperative learning or group work, where participants work together on their tasks in the virtual space at the same time.

Participating students are obligated to complete the minimum number of credits and other conditions set by the sending university or by faculty/department or in lack of such rule at least 3 ECTS during the programme.

In the current call students can apply for activities completed between 1 June 2023 and 31 August 2024.

Who can apply?


  • who have student status at Eötvös Loránd University at the time of the application;
  • with Hungarian nationality or registration of permanent residence permit or residence permit
  • in case of studying in a bachelor (BA) or one-cycle studies: already have at least 1 closed semester;
  • with active student status at Eötvös Loránd University in the semester of the planned mobility;
  • who meet the criteria of the faculty’s published call

can apply for participating in an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme.

The current list and application deadline of available BIPs is available here.
For more information, please contact the academic coordinator responsible for the programme, as indicated in the programme list.

Application process

The application must be submitted to the Faculty international coordinator according to the faculty regulations by the deadline specified in this call or the different deadline set by the faculty/department responsible for the programme (website, faculty’s published call, etc.).
Attention! The application deadline varies by programme, the current deadline can be found in the list of the BIPs, please read it carefully.

Required documents for the application:

(The list informative only. Please contact your Faculty international coordinator for the required documents to your application).

  • Application form (filled out electronically and signed/authenticated) download here
  • Motivation letter and work plan
  • CV
  • Academic results of previous semesters printed from Neptun
  • for non-Hungarian students: copy of the registration of permanent residence permit or the copy of the residence permit or the copy of the refugee status
  • Optional: certificate of active participation in the Student Union or any other organization (HÖK, ESN, OTDK stb.)
  • For students applying to North-Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey: Consent to data transfer to third country

For more information about the application process contact

If there are specific requirements at your faculty, please address and take them into consideration when applying.


Scholarship rates*

(*for Grant Agreements dated after 10.10.2023 due to change in scholarship rates)

Duration of physical mobility

Daily grant (all programme or partner country)

5 – 14 day

79,00 € / day

15 – 30 day

56,00 € / day

From the Spring Semester of 2022/23 an additional 1-1 travel day may be granted before and after the mobility.

Please note that the Erasmus grant can only be paid for the physical part of the mobility.

Those entitled to it can also apply for additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities according to a separate call for application, and in the case of confirmed green travel, they may receive additional support for green travel (confirmed sustainable means of transport) as well (see Additional financial support options).

Those awarded with additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities can also receive travel support based on the distance travelled:



10–99 km

23,00 €

100–499 km

180,00 €

500–1999 km

275,00 €

2000–2999 km

360,00 €

3000–3999 km

530,00 €

4000–7999 km

820,00 €

8000 km-től

1500,00 €

We would like to call the students’ attention that the financial support does not cover all the costs that arise during their stay abroad, it must be covered - sometimes with pre-financing - from other sources.

Additional financial support options

  • Additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities:
    Students eligible for the grant can receive top-up support of €100 in one amount for physical mobilities up to 14 days, and €150 for physical mobilities between 15 and 30 days. Students applying for the additional support may apply for Additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses at the same time (if eligible).
  • Additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses:
    For short-term student mobility, the support is a one-off amount of €100 (for mobility of 1-14 days) or €150 (for mobility of 15-30 days).
  • Additional support for green travel:
    From the academic year 2022/23 for confirmed green travel, students may receive additional support for green travel (confirmed sustainable means of transport), which is defined as the travel that uses low-emissions means of transport for the main part of the travel (between the sending and host or its neighbouring countries), such as bus, train car-pooling or bike. Flights and boat trips are not considered green. The amount of the grant: a single contribution of €50 (only for green travel in both directions) and an additional grant for 1-1 travel days before and after the mobility.
For detailed conditions please see Additional supports for Erasmus+ mobility.

Evaluation of the applications

Submitted applications are evaluated by a professional board, stood up by the Insitute/Department. The evaluation criteria are published in the faculty call.
The student might be required to participate at a personal interview after receiving the written evaluation.

General criteria of the evaluation (the list is not in a priority order, there might be other aspects as well according to differing Faculty regulations):

  • Language proficiency at the study field,
  • Academic achievement,
  • Professional awareness,
  • Academic excellence or other significant professional achievement,
  • Participation in Student Union activities or others at related organizations,
  • Participation in a Student Mentor/Buddy System, supporting students.

Those students who have never participated in the Erasmus+ Programme have priority during the evaluation process, however, we strongly encourage the re-application of former Erasmus + students too.

Based on the above points, the Institutes/Departments propose the applicants who are eligible for participating in the Blended Intensive Programme to the Faculty Erasmus Board and nominate students for the Erasmus+ Scholarship.

The list of the accepted students will be approved by the Students and Staff Mobility Committee within approximately one month of the application deadline. Supported students will be informed by e-mail no later than 1 week after the Committee’s decision.

Practical matters regarding studies

Succesful applicants must register in the Electronic Registration System for the course offered for the Blended Intensive Programme in the course registration (subject registration) period. Your Faculty international coordinator will assist you in this matter.

For the winning applicants to be able to justify their absence during the mobility period, they may need to submit a request for a uniquely tailored study arrangement. In the request, students shall provide information on the decision of their scholarship (e.g. attaching the relevant e-mail notification) and the mobility’s starting and ending dates. With the decision received, the student can justify their absence from the other enrolled courses during the physical part of the mobility.


The impact of the coronavirus pandemic can be felt in all areas of life, this is not different when it comes to international mobilities either. All international, national and academic organizations involved in the Erasmus+ programme are working to continue to ensure the realisation of mobilities while responding flexibly to changes caused by the epidemiological situation, with the interests of students in mind.

If your mobility fails due to the epidemiological situation and costs associated with mobility (booking / insurance / flight ticket) have already been incurred an individual equity claim (vis maior) can be submitted to cover them. If you have to interrupt the physical part of your mobility due to changes in the epidemiological situation, you can also submit the individual equity claim (vis maior) to reimburse your costs. More information about the individual equity request and updated coronavirus information here. Please, visit it frequently in all stages of your application.


European Commission
Tempus Public Foundation

Call for applications: Erasmus+ scholarship for participation in Blended Intensive Programmes for the Spring Semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Year

Eötvös Loránd University now accepts applications from students who would like to participate in an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in the Spring Semester of the 2022/2023 Academic Year.

The aim of the call

The BIP is a learning mobility programme for students, consisting of a physical and a virtual part, involving at least 3 higher education institutions from 3 different countries.

The duration of the physical mobility component is min. 5, max. 30 days, depending on the programme. The physical part takes place in the country of the host institution, according to the information published by the organiser.

The virtual part is a compulsory component of the BIP. It can take the form of online cooperative learning or group work, where participants work together on their tasks in the virtual space at the same time.

Participating students are obligated to complete the minimum number of credits and other conditions set by the sending university or by faculty/department or in lack of such rule at least 3 ECTS during the programme.

In the current call students can apply for activities completed by 31 August 2023.

Who can apply?


  • who have student status at Eötvös Loránd University at the time of the application;
  • with Hungarian nationality or registration of permanent residence permit or residence permit
  • in case of studying in a bachelor (BA) or one-cycle studies: already have at least 1 closed semester;
  • with active student status at Eötvös Loránd University in the semester of the planned mobility;
  • who meet the criteria of the faculty’s published call

can apply for participating in an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme.

The current list and application deadline of available BIPs is available here.
For more information, please contact the academic coordinator responsible for the programme, as indicated in the programme list.

Application process

The application must be submitted to the Faculty international coordinator according to the faculty regulations by the deadline specified in this call or the different deadline set by the faculty/department responsible for the programme (website, faculty’s published call, etc.).
Attention! The application deadline varies by programme, the current deadline can be found in the list of the BIPs, please read it carefully.

Required documents for the application:

(The list informative only. Please contact your Faculty international coordinator for the required documents to your application).

  • Application form (filled out electronically and signed/authenticated) download here
  • Motivation letter and work plan
  • CV
  • Academic results of previous semesters printed from Neptun
  • for non-Hungarian students: copy of the registration of permanent residence permit or the copy of the residence permit or the copy of the refugee status
  • Optional: certificate of active participation in the Student Union or any other organization (HÖK, ESN, OTDK stb.)
  • For students applying to North-Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey: Consent to data transfer to third country

For more information about the application process contact

If there are specific requirements at your faculty, please address and take them into consideration when applying.


Scholarship rates

Duration of physical mobility

Daily grant (all programme or partner country)

5 – 14 day

70,00 € / day

15 – 30 day

50,00 € / day

From the Spring Semester of 2022/23 an additional 1-1 travel day may be granted before and after the mobility.

Please note that the Erasmus grant can only be paid for the physical part of the mobility.

Those entitled to it can also apply for additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities according to a separate call for application, and in the case of confirmed green travel, they may receive additional support for green travel (confirmed sustainable means of transport) as well (see Additional financial support options).

Those awarded with additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities can also receive travel support based on the distance travelled:



10–99 km

23,00 €

100–499 km

180,00 €

500–1999 km

275,00 €

2000–2999 km

360,00 €

3000–3999 km

530,00 €

4000–7999 km

820,00 €

8000 km-től

1500,00 €

We would like to call the students’ attention that the financial support does not cover all the costs that arise during their stay abroad, it must be covered - sometimes with pre-financing - from other sources.

Additional financial support options

  • Additional financial support for students with fewer opportunities:
    Students eligible for the grant can receive top-up support of €100 in one amount for physical mobilities up to 14 days, and €150 for physical mobilities between 15 and 30 days. Students applying for the additional support may apply for Additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses at the same time (if eligible).
  • Additional financial support for students with disabilities or long-term illnesses:
    For short-term student mobility, the support is a one-off amount of €100 (for mobility of 1-14 days) or €150 (for mobility of 15-30 days).
  • Additional support for green travel:
    From the academic year 2022/23 for confirmed green travel, students may receive additional support for green travel (confirmed sustainable means of transport), which is defined as the travel that uses low-emissions means of transport for the main part of the travel (between the sending and host or its neighbouring countries), such as bus, train car-pooling or bike. Flights and boat trips are not considered green. The amount of the grant: a single contribution of €50 (only for green travel in both directions) and an additional grant for 1-1 travel days before and after the mobility.
For detailed conditions please see Additional supports for Erasmus+ mobility.

Evaluation of the applications

Submitted applications are evaluated by a professional board, stood up by the Insitute/Department. The evaluation criteria are published in the faculty call.
The student might be required to participate at a personal interview after receiving the written evaluation.

General criteria of the evaluation (the list is not in a priority order, there might be other aspects as well according to differing Faculty regulations):

  • Language proficiency at the study field,
  • Academic achievement,
  • Professional awareness,
  • Academic excellence or other significant professional achievement,
  • Participation in Student Union activities or others at related organizations,
  • Participation in a Student Mentor/Buddy System, supporting students.

Those students who have never participated in the Erasmus+ Programme have priority during the evaluation process, however, we strongly encourage the re-application of former Erasmus + students too.

Based on the above points, the Institutes/Departments propose the applicants who are eligible for participating in the Blended Intensive Programme to the Faculty Erasmus Board and nominate students for the Erasmus+ Scholarship.

The list of the accepted students will be approved by the Students and Staff Mobility Committee within approximately one month of the application deadline. Supported students will be informed by e-mail no later than 1 week after the Committee’s decision.

Practical matters regarding studies

Succesful applicants must register in the Electronic Registration System for the course offered for the Blended Intensive Programme in the course registration (subject registration) period. Your Faculty international coordinator will assist you in this matter.

For the winning applicants to be able to justify their absence during the mobility period, they may need to submit a request for a uniquely tailored study arrangement. In the request, students shall provide information on the decision of their scholarship (e.g. attaching the relevant e-mail notification) and the mobility’s starting and ending dates. With the decision received, the student can justify their absence from the other enrolled courses during the physical part of the mobility.


The impact of the coronavirus pandemic can be felt in all areas of life, this is not different when it comes to international mobilities either. All international, national and academic organizations involved in the Erasmus+ programme are working to continue to ensure the realisation of mobilities while responding flexibly to changes caused by the epidemiological situation, with the interests of students in mind.

If your mobility fails due to the epidemiological situation and costs associated with mobility (booking / insurance / flight ticket) have already been incurred an individual equity claim (vis maior) can be submitted to cover them. If you have to interrupt the physical part of your mobility due to changes in the epidemiological situation, you can also submit the individual equity claim (vis maior) to reimburse your costs. More information about the individual equity request and updated coronavirus information here. Please, visit it frequently in all stages of your application.


European Commission
Tempus Public Foundation