Zhang Daiding

Zhang Daiding

Country: Hong Kong

Hong Kong Baptist University

HKBU Sponsorship

Period of studies at ELTE: 2014.09.01 - 2015.06.30

“Fortunately, I was selected to represent Hungary with other Hungarian students. Our accommodation was provided by the Hungarian Embassy in Romania and my paper was on the conference program. I was the only representative from ELTE and it was a unique experience for me to play a role in a conference which was only for Central and Eastern European students.”


It’s a unique chance for me to explore Central and Eastern Europe. Not only to fulfil my research interest, but also to know Hungarian culture.

What did you like most about being a student at ELTE?

Liberal and flexible study schedule with multicultural atmosphere. Also, it provides opportunities to let me participate international student conference and various lectures.

What were the challenges in your study program?

The language barrier, sometimes it’s not easy to understand each other well. Also the working style and way of thinking differ from my original environment. When participating extracurricular activities, it needs many efforts to coordinate and communicate well.

How do you think your degree will help you in your life and career?

I also have internship and part-time jobs here. When I started my first semester, I received the email from ELTE about a lecture held in the EU headquarter in Hungary. A man talked to me after the lecture because I was the only non-European. He offered me an internship to interview transnational immigrants from China and I finished the project at the beginning of my second semester. Another opportunity was also from an email from ELTE about the “International Student Conference of the V4 and Romania”. Fortunately, I was selected to represent Hungary with other Hungarian students. Our accommodation was provided by the Hungarian Embassy in Romania and my paper was on the conference program. I was the only representative from ELTE and it was a unique experience for me to play a role in a conference which was only for Central and Eastern European students. Besides, I got connected to the most famous Chinese newspaper in Hungary via the website of the Confucius Institute at ELTE and then I became a part-time news translator&editor until I finish my study here. I was also a PR team member in the Model United Nations Conference in Budapest and staff member in the European Institutions Simulation in Athens. Studying at ELTE cannot only broaden my horizon, but it also helps me to accumulate unique experience for future development.

Do you have any advice for future students at ELTE?

A good preparation and previous research can make your life and study easier. Don’t hesitate to ask for help and try your best to catch opportunities.