Yerbolat Tazhkeyev

Study program: Computer Science MSc
Country: Kazakhstan
Scholarship: Stipendium Hungaricum
Period of studies at ELTE: 04.09.2016 - 30.06.2018
“This university has got all the instruments for productive studies: libraries of full value, well-equipped labs, and professional staff with real working experience.”
We always try to find the best university to study at, so did I. Budapest was the city I had not been to and, luckily, the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship had appeared out there. Therefore, my task was to find the most suitable school for me, which had pretty decent ranking and modern technology. And here we go, ELTE was the best one, having a Computer Science major, well-educated staff and huge experience (starting from its foundation in 1635).
What do you like most about being a student at ELTE?
This university has got all the instruments for productive studies: libraries of full value, well-equipped labs, and professional staff with real working experience (often ongoing). Teachers provide you with all necessary lecture notes (presentations). Moreover, they have consultation time, when you can arrange an appointment with them and then discuss unclear parts or questions. Finally, one more thing which not all universities have is the opportunities of retaking exams (at least one time, can be more). The reason I mentioned that is because during my bachelor I struggled a lot, trying to pass the exam with one try, being stressed out and exhausted.
What are the challenges in your study program?
Personally, for me the main challenge is to study the science so profoundly, due to the fact that I have never got so deeply into the Computer Science before, being used to combine IT with Economics (as the implementation of engineering).
How do you think your degree will help you in your life and career?
Being a master student, my bachelor’s degree has helped me to get enrolled to this program and continue my academic degree. Those two degrees combined might significantly help me in my career. Employers might be interested in hiring me, looking at my CV. Moreover, improving you degree really enhances your professional skills as well as academic experience, giving you the chance to make more publications and, perhaps, innovations.
Do you have any advice for future students at ELTE?
Future students, while your study here, do not waste your time just hanging out with friends and partying at those infinite (always the last) student parties. Use every minute of your time wisely, because the chance to study and be a student is given only once in your life. After 4-5 years, you will have to work, which will be the end of your student life and the beginning of life full of responsibilities. Register for sports, languages, any other art classes, improve your skills, improve yourself, read more books, broaden your mind, open your eyes, open new horizons, gain more social networks (generally socialize), do not just sit in your room, watching Game of Thrones or playing video games, learn Hungarian language and culture, discover its history and traditions, travel, work. Remember, your parents believe in and rely on you.