Pramod Kumar Sethy

Study program: Computer Science MSc
Country: India
Scholarship: Stipendium Hungaricum
Period of studies at ELTE: 01.09.2015 - 31.07.2017
“Here the professors and students are very cooperative; we can learn a lot of useful things from them. The official staff at the university is also very helpful.”
From my review and discussion with other professionals, it is evident that ELTE has an excellent Computer Science programme for master students. It has a highly qualified and internationally known academic staff in the field of Computer Science, renowned for their academic and research excellence. From my early age, I was aware that John Von Neumann (father of Digital Computer) was a Hungarian but when I knew, he was also associated with this great university, it inspired me a lot to be a part of ELTE. Furthermore, Hungary is one of the most stunning places in the heart of Central Europe which attracts me with its noble traditions and cultural diversity and I like Hungary the most.
What do like most about being a student at ELTE?
It gives me immense pleasure to be a part of ELTE, one of the glorious universities of the world. The most important thing at ELTE is the international atmosphere where we can meet students from different parts of the globe. Here the professors and students are very cooperative; we can learn a lot of useful things from them. The official staff at the university is also very helpful. The ELTE has a lot of beautiful buildings, well-organized classrooms, a huge library and lots of computer labs with all types of software.
What are the challenges in your study program?
When I came to Budapest, Hungary from the East to the Western part of the world, I had a lot of doubts in my mind because it is quite different from my country in many ways. It was a little bit challenging to coordinate and communicate with professors due to some accent problems but it was for a very short duration and now I am enjoying it.
How do you think your degree will help you in your life and career?
My long cherished meticulous desire has been fulfilled. It is indeed a matter of flaming glory, radiance of victory and laurel of success for me to get a scholarship from the Hungarian Government to widen my knowledge. Here I got the blessings of the esteemed senior faculty members and co-operation, coordination and cordiality from my friends which will help me excel in my future endeavor. Here, I learned a lot of new technologies and computer languages which is very useful for my career.
Do you have any advices for future students at ELTE?
Going abroad, staying abroad and enjoying abroad are totally different from studying abroad. So come forward and join at ELTE for your bright, better and brilliant future.