Odilon J. Lisboa Junior

Odilon J. Lisboa Junior

Country: Brazil

Universidade Federal de Lavras

Science Without Borders

Period of studies at ELTE: 2013.09.01 - 2014.07.31

“Employers are generally looking for people who have enough theoretical knowledge for the job, but also, other aspects are important. Other characteristics, such as adaptability, global understanding, leadership, and independence can work as a competitive advantage. The development of these skills, among other reasons, can be improved when studying and living abroad.”


ELTE is a very traditional and high-ranked university among the universities in Hungary as well as in Europe. This confirms its academic and research excellence. Also, looking for information about the research lines available, I could found one which matches my interests. Considering all of these points, I made my choice and I do believe that I could not have done better.

What did you like most about being a student at ELTE?

The chance to experience a different style of education made me see a side of my major that I have not been exposed in my home university. I could also enrol to subjects which are generally only available for postgraduate students. This contributed to my personal and professional development by acquiring new experiences which I will carry with me for all of my life.

What were the challenges in your study program?

At the first moment, I experienced the so called “language barrier” due to the fact that I had to speak a different language; consequently, I was a bit afraid of making mistakes. As most international students, I also had some problems with the cultural shock, food, adapting to the new environment. Fortunately, it did not take very long for me to overcome these issues and get used to the new routine.

How do you think your scholarship has helped you in your life and career?

I think that after my scholarship time abroad I returned home with a new perspective on culture, language skills and great education. Living and studying in another country was really eye-opening for me. Employers are generally looking for people who have enough theoretical knowledge for the job, but also, other aspects are important. Other characteristics, such as adaptability, global understanding, leadership, and independence can work as a competitive advantage. The development of these skills, among other reasons, can be improved when studying and living abroad.

Do you have any advice for future students at ELTE?

As soon as you get the confirmation that you will study at ELTE, try to contact your fellow students (participating in discussion groups on Facebook, for instance); Try to attend the events organized by the university and ESN ELTE. It is a good opportunity to meet people and get informed; It is advisable to contact your coordinator before choosing the subjects or in case of any questions. Last but not least, enjoy your stay at ELTE and start planning your trip back to Budapest after your study period is over. You will certainly miss everything.