Nor El Houda Seridi

Nor El Houda Seridi

Study program: Mathematics MSc

Country: Algeria

Period of studies at ELTE: 01.09.2015 - 31.07.2017

“Because of its high quality courses, especially in my field, mathematics, ELTE stood out from the crowd and imposed itself as my first choice.”


After choosing Hungary as the country for my MSc studies and when I was applying for the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship, I did some research about different Hungarian universities.  Because of its high quality courses, especially in my field, mathematics, ELTE stood out from the crowd and imposed itself as my first choice.

What do you like most about being a student at ELTE?

At ELTE you will receive a high quality of education with a majority of good teachers and helpful classmates from across the world.

Also, at the Institute of Mathematics there are many different courses in different subjects and the program is flexible, you can choose the courses which can fit with your background and you can have some basic course. Moreover, ELTE doesn't care just about the level of the training program but also cares about all the sides of student's life, such offering sports, language courses.

Also, people in Budapest have a good impression about ELTE.

What are the challenges in your study program?

In my first semester at ELTE I came a little bit late and I did not start the courses from the beginning and the system was new for me. But after two months, I got used to the system and I caught up with my courses with the help of my professors and the advice of the campus family. 

How do you think your degree will help you in your life and career?

By having an MSc in mathematics from ELTE, I think any graduate will be able to pursue either an academic career in research or work on real world challenges and problems in different fields from engineering, industry, finance and everywhere math’s can be applied

Do you have any advice for future students at ELTE?

Studying mathematics at ELTE means that hard work is needed. If you decide to choose it, just get prepared that you will use everything you studied in your BSc. In addition, you will be introduced to new topics. Simply, you will enjoy mathematics, to overcome the difficulties you may just have to work day by day and to avoid procrastination. If you are not in Budapest, be there at the very beginning of the semester and get ready when the courses start. Budapest is a very nice city; so don’t forget to enjoy your stay.