Malek Ayoub

Malek Ayoub

Study program: Health Policy, Planning and Financing (Specialization in Health Economics) MSc (part time)

Country: Occupied Palestinian Territory

Period of studies at ELTE: 29.08.2015 - 30.07.2017

“In my opinion: if I get the chance to complete my PhD here in Hungary, I won’t hesitate because I really liked and loved my experience here in Hungary.”


Since I saw the advert for this scholarship, I wanted to know which the best university in Hungary is! and whether it has been chosen among the international rankings!. I found that ELTE is the 1st here in Hungary and one of the internationally recognized universities. Then I started to search about subjects of my interest and found that this specialization is the best for my future career and my long-term goals and ambitions. It is a little bit challenging for me as I don't have a background in economics and my studies were totally different, but now I can say that I'm right, and this is the best decision I have ever made in my life.

What do you like most about being a student at ELTE?

Actually, the most exciting thing here at ELTE is being and studying with students from all over the world and from Hungary as well. Now, I’m really happy that I have friends from different countries and I really love them all, I really like this kind of friendships where you can learn from others’ experiences and also learn some interesting things about their cultures, habits, traditions and lifestyles.

What are the challenges in your study program?

Well, I found that I have to study more than the other students because currently I’m studying a lot of economic subjects and a lot of new topics that is totally different from the nursing topics and subjects (my BA degree was in nursing and allied health professions/ Birzeit University-Palestine).

How do you think your degree will help you in your life and career?

I believe in myself and I found that this specialization will increase my chances in this life; knowledge of health economics, policy and management is in demand all over the world, on local and national levels. You become really motivated to work hard when you see that this specialty qualifies you to work at different levels such as; The Ministry of Health and HealthCare Services. The Medicines Agency and pharmaceutical companies. The Institutes of Public Health and Medical Research Institutions. Hospitals. Municipalities. World Health Organization (WHO). United Nations (UN). The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The World Bank and many other great institutions and international organizations.

Do you have any advice for future students at ELTE?

My first trip to Europe was in 2005 to Hungary and this is the second one; and it is also to Hungary. I came here when I was a child in 2005, and I really loved the country and I still remember all the moments I spent here in Budapest and Zánka, and simply this is the reason why I decided to apply for this great Scholarship (Stipendium Hungaricum). Actually, this is my first experience to study abroad, I was a little bit worried at the beginning but not anymore; so my first advice for the coming students is not to hesitate to pursue their academic ambitions here in Hungary since their doubts will be replaced by courage and enthusiasm in the lovely and diverse city of Budapest. For me, I’ve met so many like-minded people and have built a diverse network of friendship that I almost feel home. The social life in the university and the relaxed atmosphere are amazing and provide students with what they looking for. The teachers really have been very helpful; they are willing to help and dedicate every effort to support students. I have gained independence and became very inspired through the unbelievably and scientific approach by the academic staff in the university.