Lizi Javelidze

Study program: Computer Science BSc
Country: Georgia
Period of studies at ELTE: 01.09.2019 - 31.07.2022
"When I was researching about ELTE, what stood out to me was the history of the university and its very impressive list of graduates, some of whom are Nobel Prize winners."
What stood out to you about ELTE?
ELTE is one of the most prestigious universities in Hungary. When I was researching about ELTE, what stood out to me was the history of the university and its very impressive list of graduates, some of whom are Nobel Prize winners. I thought that it would be an honor for me to study at such a university.
What makes studying at ELTE so great?
I really like that the university provides us with qualified teachers and a well written syllabus, which makes our studies here interesting and useful in the real world. The staff is very friendly, and the international spirit also makes studying here very welcoming.
What are / were your challenges in your study program?
Studying at ELTE as a Computer Science major is definitely challenging. The courses are hard, and the teachers are quite demanding. I struggled with some of the subjects in my major because of their difficulty but was able to overcome those challenges.
How did you overcome these challenges?
I overcame the challenges I faced in my study program by putting in more effort, being more consistent with following the material, as well as asking questions from the teachers often. The teachers are very understanding and helpful if you are willing to ask for it.
How would you describe ELTE in three words?
Prestigious, International, Demanding
How do you think your degree will help you in your life and career?
The popularity and need of IT field graduates is growing every day. Because the IT field is very diverse, I think that a Computer Science major will open doors for me in many directions. I can even choose to major in a different field like Business for my master’s, since Business and IT are very connected these days. I am comfortable knowing that I will be able to find a job easily, and in any part of the world.
Do you have any recommendations for future students at ELTE?
Apart from being one of the oldest universities in Hungary with very famous alumni, a wide choice of study programs and a well written curriculum, ELTE also faces difficulties and adapts to changes easily, which is definitely what a new student should be looking for in their university.
ELTE managed itself during the pandemic perfectly. It was very organized, and the students were able to receive information quickly about the study process as well as updates about the situation in Hungary in general. I was very proud that my university was doing such a great job, when many other universities struggled to do so.