Georgi Velev

Georgi Velev

Country: Bulgaria


Period of studies at ELTE: 2008.09.01 - 2011.06.30

"ELTE is the most popular university in Hungary as well as a world-renowned institution. Numberless prominent scholars have graduated from that university. Studying at ELTE was the main reason to come to Hungary."


ELTE is the most popular university in Hungary as well as a world-renowned institution. Numberless prominent scholars have graduated from that university. Studying at ELTE was the main reason to come to Hungary.

What did you like most about being a student at ELTE?

The unique atmosphere provided by the cooperation between teachers and students at the Department for Iranian Studies: a cooperation based on Humboldt's concept for universities as places for scientific research as well as a starting point for career in the field of science. The variety of study programs making possible the quick and effective improvement of professional skills. 

What were the challenges in your study program?

High-level requirements resulting in the core curriculum's quick and appropriate understanding.

How do you think your degree has helped you in your life and career?

Studying at ELTE's Department for Iranian Studies means a permanent contact with devoted teachers and internationally recognized prominent scholars. From this point of view a degree obtained there certainly means being on familiar ground in the field.

Do you have any recommendations for future students at ELTE?

If you wish to obtain an objective global view on the world we are living in, there is no need to spend your life travelling during all the time. All you need is to become an ELTE's student!