Ashish Kumar

Study program: Doctoral School of Mathematics
Country: India
Scholarship: Stipendium Hungaricum
Period of studies at ELTE: 01.09.2015 - 30.06.2017
"Professors are really helpful and they know if a student needs help. They are like true guardians and help you overcome all your difficulties during your studies."
Well if I talk about mathematics, then ELTE has world class professors, very good facilities and a wide range of courses to choose from. Professors are really helpful and they know if a student needs help. They are like true guardians and help you overcome all your difficulties during your studies. The university offers really good opportunities to students looking for research and other courses too.
What do you like most about being a student at ELTE?
For me, the best part is the friendly nature of all the Professors and high class facilities. Professor’s guidance is really valuable and they try their best to choose best for you. There is no communication gap between teachers and students. Professors are available for students at any time. They are highly qualified and they very well know how to guide his/her student to perfection.
What were the challenges in your study program?
The major challenge was to overcome the missing background in probability theory. I must say it was my supervisor who helped me to overcome this difficulty in a short period of time. His strategy was phenomenal and within a few months I got what I was missing. The supervisor I worked in the first semester was really helpful and helped me to choose the best research field for me. I must say I am lucky that I have worked with two really kind and intelligent supervisors.
How do you think your degree will help you in your life and career?
Currently, I am working in the field of finance and the research topic I have selected with the help of my supervisor is relatively new and very important for the current scenario of finance world. It will not only help my career but also can strengthen the financial market and can help create a stronger finance/business world.
Do you have any advice for future students at ELTE?
While applying for studying abroad there should not be a second thought while choosing ELTE. The university is amazing with a variety of courses to choose from, highly cooperative professors and very good facilities for students. And yes of course, Budapest is a beautiful city to live in. Cheers and best of luck for your application.