Andreas Benedikt Bracht

Country: Germany
Home Institution:
Georg-August-University Göttingen
Scholarship: Erasmus+
Period of studies at ELTE: 01.08.2014 - 31.01.2015
“Another thing I really liked was being proud of the history - like the hall with all of the Nobel prize winners, one of my favorite places at the campus.”
It was kind of accidental that I ended up at Eötvos Loránd University as I was looking for a university with English courses for my studies abroad. The chance to live in Budapest and my personal heritage (my mother’s family is originally from Hungary) were other reasons. Still, ELTE was just third on my personal wish list but I realized how blessed and lucky I was that I landed in Budapest. After I got the acceptance from ELTE and I looked up the courses and history of the university, I realized the high academic standards and research programs of the university.
What did you like most about being a student at ELTE?
The international atmosphere at ELTE is tremendous and almost every lecturer was very interested in your personal story, a big difference to Germany where often students are nothing more than numbers. Another thing I really liked was being proud of the history - like the hall with all of the Nobel prize winners, one of my favorite places at the campus. Every professor had time for you if you had any kind of problems, even if they were seen as worldwide expert in their fields. They still worked with so much enthusiasm and you really felt how much they enjoyed teaching young people.
What were the challenges in your study program?
Sometimes there were some problems with communication as the level of English was very different from person to person. And of course you are kind of nervous if you start over your academic life in a new city. But Hungarian people are very kind and I never felt lonely. Budapest is such a wonderful city with even more wonderful inhabitants. They made my start in Hungary very easy.
How do you think your degree will help you in your life and career?
Spending a semester at ELTE not only helped me to concentrate on total different kinds of topics in my field of expertise but also helped my personality as I became more independent and definitely more international. My marks were pretty good and I already received some positive feedback from different organizations and institutions who thought positive about my time at ELTE. However, I would definitely advise against studying abroad if your only reason is that because enterprises are looking for it on your curriculum vitae. The first and most important fact when studying abroad is that you are doing it for yourself. You will learn a lot more than just academic theories and writing exams, you will grow as a human being and experience things you wouldn't have dreamed of. That's the first reason why you should consider studying abroad. Everything else should be second.
Do you have any advice for future students at ELTE?
My time in Budapest was the best time of my life. I had the chance to spend five months in probably the most amazing city in the world and the chances you receive at ELTE are awesome. Everybody is very kind and other students at the university are working extremely hard. You have a great time. The first events organized by the university are some kind of mandatory if you want to get in contact with a lot of people. Personally, I would advise to stay the first days at a hostel and find a flat and not stay at the dormitories as they are pretty far outside. Another very personal experience from me: Budapest is in the heart of Europe and if your curriculum allows it, travel as much as you can. Eastern Europe is one amazing place to be! If you have the chance to study at ELTE, go for it!