Allan Pereira Silva

Allan Pereira Silva

Country: Brazil

Universidade de Brasília

Science Without Borders

Period of studies at ELTE: 2013.02.01 - 2015.07.30

“I am having the best time of my life. It is amazing to be in contact with a different culture.”


After choosing Hungary as the host country for my exchange experience, I got into research about Hungarian universities and ELTE was said to be one of the biggest and most important universities of this country. Looking into ELTE's history and infrastructure, I became amazed by the chance of studying there.

What do you like most about being a student at ELTE?

The transition itself from high school to college helped me to see how wide opportunities life can offer, especially concerning my future career and professional life. ELTE has shown me that it can be even wider. I’m having a unique time that is contributing to develop new competencies in my life, and I can clearly feel it.

What are/were the challenges in your study program?

I would say the main challenge is to get involved with the campus life through the perspective of the Hungarians. Being in a country where you are having classes in a different language from their mother tongue might create a sense of non-integration with the local academic community in daily life.

How do you think your scholarship will help you in your life and career?

It gives me the proper qualifications to get a job in Information Technology and provides me maturity to build a career.

Do you have any recommendations for future students at ELTE?

I am having the best time of my life. It is amazing to be in contact with a different culture which is reflected everywhere and in everything. I would say to the new students to be conscious of this whole thing. Perhaps it can be hard to get adapted but do not let your time be passed without having enjoyed it. Try to get the most out of the university, your new friends and Budapest.