Neumann Technology Platform


The founder of the Neumann Technology Platform, Neumann Nonprofit Ltd., as a supporting institution of the Ministry for National Economy, supports the development of Hungarian industrial strategy, and ensures the creation of the operating conditions for platforms and coalitions for the development of the ecosystem of certain priority technologies, with special regard to 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Industry 4.0 technologies.  

The Platform will devote particular attention to technological and industrial research, in order to contribute to the development and renewal of the pool of professionals needed in the relevant sectors. ELTE actively contributes to the implementation of the coalition’s professional agenda, supporting international and national efforts. 

University Strategy Office 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Coalition 

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Coalition provides a professional platform for business, research, academia, and government in the field of AI. The founders of the AI Coalition intend to jointly define the directions and framework for the development of AI in Hungary, providing a permanent professional and collaborative forum between AI developers, market and public actors representing the user side of AI, academia, professional organisations, and public institutions.   

The AI Challenge was established with the aim of raising awareness of AI. The campaign has introduced more than 4.5 million Hungarian citizens to artificial intelligence through exhibitions and events, and 100,000 of them have learned the basics through free online tutorials. As part of the AI Challenge, for the first time, we have created a unique and free AI tutorial, a universally available, free, home-grown online course. Created by experts from ELTE, the “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” tutorial gives users a basic insight into the exciting world of artificial intelligence, and provides case studies and success stories to help them understand the applications of the technology.  ELTE is a founding member of the Coalition, Lénárd DARÁZS, Vice-Rector for General Affairs leads the Coalition’s Working Group on Regulation and Ethical Frameworks. 

Further information HERE 

Hungarian Drone Coalition  

The founders of the Hungarian Drone Coalition are convinced that in view of the increasingly fierce international competition in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles, decisive action is needed to strengthen  Hungarian companies and technology. The fundamental goal of the Hungarian Drone Coalition is to contribute to the development of an appropriate legal framework and to support Hungarian companies and industrial players in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles and the application of technologies based on them, so that they can achieve measurably enhanced competitiveness at the level of the national economy. The Hungarian Drone Coalition (MDK) was established in 2021 on the initiative of the Ministry of Technology and Industry, Széchenyi István University, Budapest University of Technology and Economics and HungaroControl Zrt, ELTE is a founding member of the Coalition. 

Further information HERE 


The objective of this organisation, which includes representatives from industry, academia and the government, is to enable Hungary to become one of the hubs of 5G developments in Europe, and to stake a claim in spearheading the introduction, distribution and application of 5G. ELTE is a founding member of the Coalition. The Coalition intends to develop and make available socio-economic awareness programmes, provide 5G competences for industrial testbeds and innovation centres. Its mission is to strengthen dialogue with industry, involving verticals, developing innovation partnerships, and to develop the Hungarian 6G position and represent it on the international stage. 

Further information HERE 


Blockchain technology has reached a level of development and acceptance that clearly establishes it as a strong factor in international economic competition, and its application can be a strategic goal for the world's leading economies. The Coalition held its inaugural meeting in 2022. The founders include public sector actors, higher education and scientific institutions, professional organizations, and market enterprises (currently 58 members, constantly expanding). 

Further information HERE 

HU 05.02.2024.