National Research, Development and Innovation Office

National Research, Development and Innovation Office

The National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH), which is under the authority of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, is the leading public policy and decision-making body in the domestic R&D field. Among its activities, it is worth highlighting the diverse tender structures designed for the various key actors of the R&D ecosystem, especially higher education institutions, and the support for entry into the international tender arena through the operation of the Horizon Europe National Contact Points. NKFIH also hosts information-providing events and promotes links between stakeholders from the academic and corporate worlds. 

ELTE is an active partner of the NKFIH and a key player in many programmes and initiatives announced by the Office. From institutional programmes supporting innovation capacity development to scholarship programmes supporting students' basic and applied research, or initiatives aimed at strengthening Open Science Hungary, ELTE is committed to playing its part. 

Our main collaboration interfaces: 

  • Development of a University Innovation Ecosystem (EIÖ)
  • National Laboratories Programme 
  • Competence Centres
  • Cooperative Doctoral Programme (KDP)
  • Hungarian Startup University Programme (HSUP) 
  • Doctoral Excellence Scholarship Programme (DKÖP)
  • Thematic Excellence Programme (TKP)
  • New National Excellence Programme (ÚNKP)
  • National Position Paper on Open Science
  • Science Patronage 
  • Research Management Group (organised by National Contact Point) 
HU 05.02.2024.