Laboratories led by ELTE

National Laboratories led by ELTE

National Laboratory for Digital Heritage 

The aim of the National Laboratory for Digital Heritage is to develop, in an inter-institutional partnership, a methodology for the processing, research, and education of national cultural heritage on the basis of ICTs, and to make it as widely available as possible. It aims to achieve this by developing best practices for the market exploitation of the methodologies and tools developed, as well as for the development of expertise.  

Main projects: Natural language processing; Web harvesting in Hungary; Literary corpora; “Born Digital” Laboratory; Wikibase Project; Danube AI 

The leader of the consortium is ELTE; members of the consortium are the University of Miskolc, the Hungarian Research Network – Research Centre for Humanities and the National Archives of Hungary 

Contact: Gábor PALKÓ (Faculty of Humanities) 
Further information HERE 

National Laboratory for Social Innovation  

The National Laboratory for Social Innovation was founded in 2020 with the aim of supporting social innovators and social innovation-related activities and to provide knowledge management services. The Laboratory contributes to the development of new methodological, financial and professional frameworks and the overall dissemination of social innovation issues. In recent years the Laboratory has become a network node in the field of social innovation in Hungary, and is now ready to join international cooperation projects.  

Focus areas: Culture, competence, and human capital; Social innovation methodologies; Social impacts of digitalization; Social innovations improving the quality of life  

The leader of the consortium is ELTE; members of the consortium are the University of Pannonia, the University of Miskolc and the HÁRFA Foundation.  

Contact: Dániel MAGYAR (ELTE Centre for Innovation) 
Further information HERE 

HU 05.02.2024.