International collaboration

International collaboration


CHARM-EU is a European University alliance founded in 2019 by the University of Barcelona (coordinator), Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Trinity College Dublin, Utrecht University, and the University of Montpellier. The Alliance expanded to include Åbo Akademi University, Würzburg University and the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences in 2022, and the University of Bergen in 2023. CHARM-EU aims to design and create a new university model and to become a global example of good practice to increase the quality, international competitiveness and attractiveness of European Higher Education. 

CHARM-EU represents a Challenge-Driven, Accessible, Research-based and Mobile model for the co-creation of a European University aligned with the European Values, the European Green Deal and the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Currently over 100 staff members, representing all the faculties of ELTE, are actively involved in the work of the Alliance. 

More about CHARM-EU at ELTE  
More about CHARM-EU  


In 2021, the CHARM-EU Alliance secured a grant for its research and innovation strategy project in a call launched under the umbrella of the Horizon 2020 program (Science with and for Society). The TORCH project was created with the aim of developing a common Research and Innovation (R&I) agenda for the Alliance’s five founding research universities. The work undertaken in TORCH covers the definition of cross-cutting principles, the development of joint research plans and the assessment of good practices in fields such as collaborative projects with the civil and corporate sectors, open science and citizen science. 

The  work packages already completed by TORCH have dealt with the Cross-Cutting Principles identified as the basis of future collaboration, the creation of a transdisciplinary SDG-driven  Common Science Agenda. They have investigated how to strengthen Cooperation between Universities and Enterprises, have discovered Comprehensive Open Science Practices within the partner institutions and have explored the possibilities of the co-creation of research and innovation with societal stakeholders through Public Engagement. The results of the work carried out during the first 18 months of the project are accessible here.

More about TORCH at ELTE 
More about TORCH 


EIT Culture & Creativity is the European Institute of Innovation and Technology’s (EIT) newest, 9th Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), created with the goal of strengthening Europe’s Cultural & Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSIs). ELTE is the only Hungarian founding member. 

10 Action Programmes are linked to the strategic objectives: education, innovation programmes, business development, social impact and policy. The new ecosystem also develops long-term programmes along key horizontal themes and generates collaborative initiatives, relying on European Union synergies in connection with relationships and financing. Another important mission of the community is to provide a common platform for relevant business, academic, social and governmental partners in the CCSI sector in which EIT Culture & Creativity’s 6 regional hubs, known as Co-Location Centres (CLCs), will play a major role.  

ELTE as a focal point of top-class higher education, research and university third mission activities related to tangible and intangible cultural heritage, social innovation, digitalization and more. ELTE is also in a leading position in governmental initiatives focusing on innovative approaches towards the CCSI, such as the National Laboratory for Social Innovation and the National Laboratory for Digital Heritage. It maintains an extensive cooperation network with non-academic stakeholders such as cultural institutions, embassies and companies. 

More about EIT Culture & Creativity


On the basis of an initiative of the ELTE Center of Innovation, ELTE has also joined  the EUIPO and EPO Pan-European Seal (PES) 1-year, paid internship programme as a strategic partner university. The programme welcomes talented graduates who wish to acquire professional knowledge (through online and offline training events) and relevant work experience under the mentorship of international experts in the multicultural environment of EPO and EUIPO. 

In recent years, 9 ELTE students from 5 different faculties have participated in the 1-year internship programme at the EPO and EUIPO. 

General information: 



HU 05.02.2024.