Flagship projects

Flagship Projects

Investment in the future

Development of targeted therapies for human tumours expressing mutant K-Ras oncogenes  

The consortium, led by the Natural Sciences Research Centre, aims to identify effective inhibitors of mutant K-Ras proteins based on 3D spatial structure information, some of which is already known and some of which is yet to be determined, using state-of-the-art fragment-based molecular design methods. The 350 million HUF project involves the ELTE Faculty of Natural Sciences, Semmelweis University and KINETO Lab Kft. 

Contact: András PERCZEL 
E-mail: perczel.andras@ttk.elte.hu   

Development and validation of new types of COVID-19-specific laboratory assays (detection of coronavirus specific RNA and antibodies) for mass testing in the framework of an institutional pilot study  

The project is funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund with 350 million HUF and is being carried out in cooperation between the ELTE Faculty of Science, the National Institute of Hematology and Infectology of the South-Pest Central Hospital, the University of Pécs and ImmunoGenes-ABS Zrt.  In the project, the consortium leader, ELTE Institute of Biology, will develop new methods (cost-effective and high-throughput diagnostic procedures) to help protect against COVID-19. The production of the recombinant proteins and antibodies required for these assays will build on the high level of expertise and instrumental laboratories developed in recent years.  

Contact: Imre KACSKOVICS 
E-mail: imre.kacskovics@ttk.elte.hu  

Investigation and application of factors providing natural protection against coronavirus infection in plasma therapy  

Within the project, plasma factors providing natural protection against coronavirus infection are examined and applied in plasma therapy. The project, which is being carried out in the framework of a consortium led by the Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service in cooperation with Semmelweis University, ELTE and the Hungarian University for Sport Science, will be implemented from a grant of 400 million HUF provided by the NKFIH Fund between 01.05.2021 and 30.04.2024.  

Contact: Mihály JÓZSI 
E-mail: mihaly.jozsi@ttk.elte.hu 


Development of digital microscopy for personalized precision diagnostics in oncopathology 

Within the framework of a project supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office Fund, 3DHISTECH Ltd., Eötvös Loránd University and Semmelweis University are developing a digital microscope and an oncopathological case management system. The consortium members have won funds amounting to 693.5 million HUF for the development, which has a total cost of 1.176 billion HUF. Researchers from the ELTE Faculty of Science will use 80 million HUF of this sum to develop an artificial intelligence algorithm and procedure for classifying tumour diagnostic and therapeutic targets. 

Contact: István CSABAI 
E-mail: istvan.csabai@ttk.elte.hu

Development of the MOBOT automated warehouse storage system with Composite AI 

Martin Metal Product Fémkereskedelmi Kft. and the ELTE Faculty of Informatics are working on a joint project with a total cost of 964.22 million HUF to develop a warehouse inventory system using a Composite AI approach where classical computer vision methods are combined with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence solutions. The system enables the fully robotised inventory of warehouses for raw materials and semi-finished products, providing good visibility and access to stored goods. Researchers from the ELTE Faulty of Informatics have been awarded a grant of 190.83 million HUF to contribute to developing the MOBOT inventory robot system.  

Contact: András LŐRINCZ 
E-mail: lorincz@ik.elte.hu


The project will be implemented between 2022 and April 2026 through the European Union's Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) with a gross EU contribution of 3.259 billion HUF. The project contributes to the development of a competitive higher education structure that serves the needs of the labour market by 

  • comprehensively renewing the practice-based programmes for STEM and teacher training; 

  • strengthening key competences of students and teachers (such as the ELTE Career programme, modernisation of foreign language courses, development of skills for smart specialisation);  

  • developing international courses in cooperation with partner institutions abroad. 

Contact: Mihály PLESOCZKI
E-mail: plesoczki.mihaly@kancellaria.elte.hu

Digitaltech EDIH  

DigitalTech EDIH provides business development training and consultancy in the fields of cyber security, fintech, edtech, and blockchain. The project supports the domestic SME sector and public organizations with free training and consultancy to increase their competitiveness and make their operations more efficient by utilizing digital solutions. Users of DigitalTech's EDIH services receive information from basic to advanced level that can be quickly put into practice from experts of leading domestic universities and industry organizations. DigitalTech's EDIH services are available throughout Hungary. DigitalTech is one of the country’s members of the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) of the European Union; the consortium is led by EIT Digital Nonprofit Kft. 

Further information HERE  

ELTE Biotechnology FIEK (Molecular Biomarker Research and Service Centre)  

The Higher Education and Industry Cooperation Centre (FIEK) project was launched in 2017 with the support of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA) in cooperation with ELTE, ELKH Natural Science Research Centre, SERVIER Institute of Medicinal Chemistry Zrt. and CRU Hungary Egészségügyi és Szolgáltató Kft. The sustainable operation of ELTE Biotechnology FIEK is based on three pillars: 

1. Services provided by the molecular biomarker laboratory; 
2. Development of new molecular biomarkers; 
3. R+D+I services based on the biotechnological knowledge and devices of the research groups 

On February 1, 2022, the 440-square-metre molecular microbiology laboratory opened on ELTE's Lágymányosi Campus, made possible by an investment of almost 1 billion HUF. The ultramodern laboratory is fully equipped for research purposes, and its services are available to interested industrial partners, health-care, the pharmaceutical industry, the domestic health insurance system, and the public. 

Further information HERE  

Development of a University Innovation Ecosystem (EIÖ) 

The purpose of the call issued by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office is to support the construction and efficient operation of a results-oriented university innovation ecosystem. The commercial exploitation of the research and development results generated in higher education institutions is made possible by the entrepreneurial attitude developed among teachers, researchers and students, and by the management of technology transfer and innovation at institutional level. ELTE was also successfully listed in the relevant call for tenders. The project, with identification number 2019-1.2.1-EGYETEMI-ÖKO-2019-00004, was closed in September 2023. 

One of the most impressive results is the Competence Map, with which more than 150 university competencies can be searched and filtered, providing direct contact for interested partners. Thanks to the tender, ELTE's CRM system will soon be introduced. This is being developed specifically for universities, and will greatly assist the utilization of knowledge, the registration of the university's portfolio of inventions, and the monitoring of exploitation contracts. The purpose of the Proof of Concept (POC) call for tenders announced within the framework of the EIÖ is to raise the intellectual creations, ideas and plans created at ELTE to a higher level of maturity, as well as to support the university's innovation activity and promote the business exploitation of research findings. 

The grant also provided opportunities to develop the internal competencies of the institution and to participate in several international events related to knowledge transfer, as well as to organize similar events. In addition to the announcement of the "Innovative Student Ideas Contest" supporting student innovation, a number of student workshops were organised for interested participants. 


  • Participatory innovation and disability science - methodological connections 

This project examines service developments with a labour market and co-design approach, which are realized with a participatory approach in the quadruple helix innovation ecosystem. The exercises have made it possible to systematize and develop methodological categories of participatory innovations based on domestic disability science. 

  • Participatory innovation in the quadruple helix ecosystem  

Awarded for the International Development of Higher Education in the ELTE know-how list, "Educating together" participative higher education methodology aims to support professionals working in various helping professions in their joint activities and work with disabled adults. The goal of the innovatory programme, which was carried out in cooperation with the Office of the Commissioner for Education Rights, the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj, the Flóra Kozmutza Special School for the Hearing Impaired  in Cluj, the Deaf Mission of the Reformed Missionary Center and ELTE is to "educate together", adapting and testing methodology in pedagogical and special pedagogic higher education in theological and pastoral training. 

HU 05.02.2024.