Competence centres

Competence centres

The purpose of the call announced by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund is to support the R&D activities of companies capable of rapid growth and showing significant domestic added value. ELTE currently has two competence centres. 

Digital Education Developement Competence Centre (DOKK) 

Student digital competences and needs are changing rapidly, so it is essential to create methodologies that meet the new technological challenges. Due to its nature, DOKK provides an excellent opportunity for this, as it is a tender that requires strong innovation indicators and is realized through broad university-company cooperation. The project is implemented under the consortium leadership of ELTE, with the participation of five consortium partners (Educational Development Informatikai Zrt., Edutus University, ELMS Informatikai Zrt., ELTE Eötvös Kiadó Kft., Gábor Dénes University). 

DOKK is intended to ensure the digital-technological and methodological development of higher education, providing methodological frameworks for the effective embedding of digital education through research and the development of good practices. In addition, it aims to define and measure competences and changes in competences that are currently difficult to measure. DOKK focusses on  higher education to develop methodologies and digital frameworks that can be directly applied by institutions, and tailored content that best supports effective competence development. 

Software and data-intensive services Competence Centre  

One of the main driving forces of modern economic systems based on intellectual capital is the expansion of the knowledge-intensive service sector, which is, more than ever, based on the 3 missions of higher education: the integration of education, research, and knowledge utilization mechanisms. The Competence Centre is the organizational implementation of these responsibilities, which under the leadership of the ELTE Faculty of Informatics, in the form of a consortium, is divided into three service focus areas - Finance, Healthcare and Industry 4.0.  

The Competence Centre was established in Budapest and Szombathely. In the Centre, research infrastructure development (establishment of research laboratories) and R&D activities take place reflecting local / regional industrial needs. 

Further information HERE  

HU 05.02.2024.